Blowing things up. It's about time.
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Friday Mar 31, 2006
My home is a gallery of animalia. Exhibit A: flickr/ -
Sunday Mar 26, 2006
One of my favorite people just joined SG. Go say hi: Shipwrecked. -
Friday Mar 24, 2006
I woke up this morning and went for a long walk in search of breakfas… -
Wednesday Mar 22, 2006
Sometimes you meet people in real life, and they are cool. Woke … -
Friday Mar 17, 2006
Holy crap, I just got visited by the SG fairy. I got home and there … -
Thursday Mar 02, 2006
Listening to Eastmountainsouth. You should too. -
Wednesday Feb 22, 2006
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. -
Tuesday Feb 14, 2006
Today, there is music for you to listen to. Because today, it is Val… -
Monday Feb 06, 2006
I want inspiration. Your favorite song. The artist that makes you h… -
Friday Feb 03, 2006
Songs To Listen to courtesy of Margot_Dent.... ah the life of small s…
sorry i've not been more in touch, if you read back through my entries you'll see everything got a bit messed up regarding the NG tour but a funny thing, when we did give him your gifts he got confused talking and signing at the same time, so half our books are signed 'to simon and olga'!! NOOOO!!! you have joint ownership on some UK sandmans now! anyway will mail soonly