Blowing things up. It's about time.
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Thursday Jun 22, 2006
I'm giving away free stuff: … -
Tuesday Jun 20, 2006
I have discovered the magic that is a grand steinway piano. -
Wednesday Jun 14, 2006
This morning started out with many, many tiny needles sticking out of… -
Tuesday Jun 13, 2006
New Future Bible Heroes. You know you want to. -
Monday Jun 12, 2006
Sometimes wrangling happiness is like riding a bull. It keeps trying… -
Friday Jun 09, 2006
Sigh.. 4:39am. Can't sleep. My dreams keep waking me in the… -
Thursday Jun 08, 2006
6:01am. Can't sleep. -
Tuesday Jun 06, 2006
I'm sick. Pooey. However, I recommend sticking bunches of little … -
Thursday Jun 01, 2006
This morning I dreamt a man I knew had bore me a son. I wasn't aware… -
Tuesday Apr 18, 2006
Photos from the I AM 8BIT opening tonight: Go to Flickr
sorry i've not been more in touch, if you read back through my entries you'll see everything got a bit messed up regarding the NG tour but a funny thing, when we did give him your gifts he got confused talking and signing at the same time, so half our books are signed 'to simon and olga'!! NOOOO!!! you have joint ownership on some UK sandmans now! anyway will mail soonly