Star Wars Celebration Anaheim 2015 begins today! If you are in the area and like Star Wars, you should come and enjoy yourself! Also--GET A STAR WARS TATTOO!
And, feel free to stop by the Artist Alley and say HI to me and buy some art!
The show will be going on from today (Thursday) through Sunday, April 19!


I'm local and I just don't have time this weekend 😥 can't wait to see photos and live through others
The con was a HUGE success. I meant to get on here before and tell everyone, but ended up getting sick after the show and am just now getting better.

So, any SG friends in the Los Angeles area--Next weekend (April 16-20th), come out and be STAR WARS NERDS with me and thousands of your friends!
Star Wars Celebration--the largest Star Wars convention in the world--moves to the Anaheim Convention Center (right next to Disneyland) and I am one of the featured artists at the show! And because I am in the Art Show, I
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So, StarWars.Com recently announced who the 40 Featured Artists would be at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim next spring--and I am one of them! I am currently working on the Art Print that will only be available at the show--and as we get closer to the con, I will hopefully be able to share what I am working on!
I hope to see all of the...
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If you are going to NYCC this weekend, let me know. I would love to hear from all my friends here on SG and maybe make some new ones. I will have geeky artwork and prints to sell...and yes, I will be bringing pencils and paints to do sketches...
So, come on down--Artist Alley, table O-5! Hope to see you soon!


Next week is San Diego Comic Con, and once again I will be in Artist Alley, table GG-02!
Please feel free to stop by--I will have all kinds of goodies for you to look at and to buy; Prints, sketches, sketchcards, illustrations, minis designs...
It's always so nice to meet up with my SG friends--and who knows? There might be a Suicide Girl visiting...
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thats soo cool, i would love to go to SDCC... you lucky!

Next week is San Diego Comic Con, and once again I will be in Artist Alley, table GG-02!
Please feel free to stop by--I will have all kinds of goodies for you to look at and to buy; Prints, sketches, sketchcards, illustrations, minis designs...
It's always so nice to meet up with my SG friends--and who knows? There might be a Suicide Girl visiting...
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Thank you, @lyamoon !
Yw 😊

So, I leave for New York Comic Con Wednesday morning and I have nothing that I need done remotely finished, I am working pretty much every available hour between now and then and I am completely freaking out.

So, business as usual!
If anyone is heading out that way, let me know! It would be great to meetup...

San Diego Comic-Con is over and I am now trying to get back into the swing of things at home. I had an amazing time and am grateful for everyone who came to my table and bought stuff. Especially glad to meet these ladies, who were there working the SG booth with my good friend Phecda: Moon, Damsel, Brewin and Dimples!...
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Awww i love it!!!