I was suprised that none of the other professors wanted to host this workshop, that goes along with the artist reception in the gallery. So, guess who stepped up and said "Hell YES!" ??? Yup. Me. So, my General Drawing class will get taken over for three hours by artists who will teach notebook/sketchbook/journal/diary stuff, with a focus on finding unique voice in unspoken visual language.
Seriously? Nobody else wanted this? What's up with that?
and a Grand Canyon virtual fly through for you..... just because I'm still excited for this trip in five weeks
And, on the slightly more sappy side..... (but still super positive, because that's just where I am right now)
I've made some new friends this Fall (can't have enough friends, can you?), AND, I've gotten closer with some people I've known for a while. It's hard to explain, but it's a good feeling.
I was suprised that none of the other professors wanted to host this workshop, that goes along with the artist reception in the gallery. So, guess who stepped up and said "Hell YES!" ??? Yup. Me. So, my General Drawing class will get taken over for three hours by artists who will teach notebook/sketchbook/journal/diary stuff, with a focus on finding unique voice in unspoken visual language.
Seriously? Nobody else wanted this? What's up with that?
and a Grand Canyon virtual fly through for you..... just because I'm still excited for this trip in five weeks
And, on the slightly more sappy side..... (but still super positive, because that's just where I am right now)
I've made some new friends this Fall (can't have enough friends, can you?), AND, I've gotten closer with some people I've known for a while. It's hard to explain, but it's a good feeling.
Sounds like everything is going really well for you! Hell yes!