Life continues, so do the tattoos. Did a couple on my man on either side of his chest - I'd have to admit the difficulty level here as moderate to high - considering the skin tone and delicacy involved. Thought to share!
I always think this is the best way to thank him for the great meals he designs for me - cooking is too inadequate of a term - you should all be so lucky! Ha!
Now I get to freeze my ass off for a wedding in no man's land, but I think I'm getting a whiff of some succulent salmon coming my way - makes it all better... Hope everyone else is having a blast

I always think this is the best way to thank him for the great meals he designs for me - cooking is too inadequate of a term - you should all be so lucky! Ha!
Now I get to freeze my ass off for a wedding in no man's land, but I think I'm getting a whiff of some succulent salmon coming my way - makes it all better... Hope everyone else is having a blast
It's not the need of inspiration, it's the need of cash. Even though I'm broke, my husband and I are making a trip to Austin next week(love the credit cards). We're gonna stop off in Dallas for the Body Worlds exibit, have you heard about it? Or even better, have you been?
Now theres a thought