Chicago did not disappoint. I’m so very happy I went. I put a ton on my schedule & it was SO worth it! I’m all about food and museums when I travel & looord it delivered!!
I boarded the plane & got stuck with a middle seat so I couldn’t exactly do any work on my phone as I intended. I figured, hey…okay let’s pull out the laptop & watch a free movie. Bad move, guys. As soon as I opened my laptop my naked ass was RIGHT THERE on the screen so I quickly closed it & shut down that idea immediately. The book that I brought was still pushing it, but I highly recommend it if you are a pain for pleasure type of person such as myself!
When I landed, I immediately figured out just how incredibly nice everyone in this city was. I was so taken aback since I’m so used to the hustle & bustle & intensity of LA culture. It was a pleasant surprise.
Upon driving to my rental space, I was in awe of the architecture. The brick buildings, the cathedrals perfectly placed everywhere… I immediately fell in love. I’m a bit of a slut for architecture.
My first day there I decided to hit up the Field Museum & GUYS… my inner child was beaming with joy. As a kid I wanted to be a paleontologist or an archeologist so seeing this museums collection of items sent me into a spin of elation.
here I am with Sue! She is one of the largest, most extensive, and best preserved Tyrannosaurus rex specimens ever found! Incredible. This photo does not do her justice.
Following my museum adventure that took 2 1/2 hours, I grabbed a couple vegan Chicago dogs from Upton’s Breakroom & some of the best vegan eclairs I’ve ever had from Liberation donuts. Highly recommend!!
Then it was time. I linked up with tattoo artist Carolina Mansur for my newest piece 🖤
I ended the night with a stellar show. I got to see Fea, Drakulas & Bad Cop Bad Cop. Grabbed some vinyls and went home!
The next day I got to link up with the wonderful, sweet & talented @writeboy 🖤 we shot some really rad stuff & cannot wait for you all to see what we made. We are really stoked!!
Later that day I legitimately ordered enough food for a family of four, but I grubbed with zero regrets. Highly recommend Dimo’s Pizza. I got the vegan garlic cheese bread, a margarita pizza & their famous vegan Mac n cheese. Soon to fall into a major food coma.
The last day I was there I got to meet up with the raddest @smashbase & we made some dope art together. We got lots of film stuff that I cannot wait to show you! A ton can be seen on the VIP CULT soon so don’t miss out!
afterwards, he generously dropped me off at the one and only Chicago Diner & I had…the best…the most dreamy…the most epic vegan Reuben sandwich of my life. I will be dreaming of this sandwich & it will haunt me until I get to have it again.
I will not lie, at the very end of my trip I was missing my dog Marla something fierce. Even though she was happily at home getting all the snuggles & getting spoiled…I missed her. It is so tough being away from her, so I stayed in & decided to ditch the rest of my plans & grub on my Chicago diner leftovers & binge some project runway on the laptop. I don’t regret it though! Now I most definitely have a reason to go back & I absolutely intend on doing so. Next time I’m definitely hitting up the Art institute!
All in all, it was a stellar time with stellar hangs & stellar food. Chicago, you have a special place in my heart now. Til next time 🖤