Happy Easter everyone!
I hope the rest of my days go smoothly as well...working in mental health is like watching a movie on TV minus the director. Like Survivor meets The Real World with all the drama and adventure....like watching a hockey game with 3 different teams on the ice, and no referees. I like it, no need for cable TV because there is never a dull moment. Always an array of characters and interesting behaviors...I have said it before and I will say it again...Too many patients and not enough patience. I love my job and the way they work us...I could consider my occupation as slave as well. What do you do?
Grocery store aye? We probably deal with the same clientale! haha....more truth to this than you think...You'd die if you would hear of the places I meet patients...I was in a sporting store once and saw one buying a firearm...I nearly shit myself....