didn't have quite the weekend i had hoped but last night more than made up for it. rad times with some rad friends. and i surprised myself by knowing more words to the guido anthem then i thought i did. 10 points if you even know the song. anyways,took this earlier out of boredom. yes i wear glasses too.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of you like The_Deacon, but don't put too many up at once, I'm not sure I could handle the hottness overload that would create!
PS: Our inside-out joke is getting to the point of absurdity and I love it! In sticking with the time honored tradition of "show me yours I'll show you mine," it would be very wrong of me not to do so. However, I don't have one yet. (Taken out of context that is quite funny, to me at least, so I guess I should elaborate for all those not privy to our outside-in joke!) I'm on Facebook right now, but no Myspace. It's on my long list of things to do, and it's priority just jumped up quite a bit
PPS: I just looked at my post and I can be really long winded sometimes!
[Edited on Apr 12, 2006 9:40AM]