Hello my darling Cats and Bats..
I hope everyone is staying as safe as possible, wherever you are. I ended up leaving LA on Mother’s Day because my Constant, James was too worried about something happening and wanted to make sure I was safe. So I’m quarantined with him in the country, watching the world through the news. Please stay safe, my Cats and Bats.❤️My heart is with you all..
Before leaving LA, I self-shot a set in my room(my little piece of the Black Lodge), but I think I might have been a little too late in submitting it for the contest. It’s pending review now, so we’ll see what happens. ❤️ Either way, I have a newfound respect for anyone who shoot their own sets. This was super difficult and took me forever.😬😌
If you follow me on instagram Or Facebook, you’ll notice that I’m no longer posting to my grid until we see a change, in remembrance to those who have lost their lives to police brutality. I will continue to post here and my onlyfans.. but I am so tired of all the hate on both Facebook and Instagram.
I love you all my Cats and Bats..
Spread love; abhor hate