So I'm updating sort of....i think....
So I got this very disturbing e-mail from my friend today, the title is mlikshake and it's a wmv file and it's the most traumatic 35 seconds of my life, it's like a car crash, it's horrible and disgusting, but you can't help but stare, but unlike a car crash that the initial trauma is over in few seconds, this one gets worse and worse and worse until the unspeakable finish, I highly recomend it to anyone.....
So I went to Portland last week....I was supposed to go on tuesday but after a very sad conversation with the girl I was visiting, I decided to go a little early...I thought everybody likes suprise right, so when she complained about having to wait another two days for me to fly up, I decided that she shouldn't have to. That decided I got online and booked the earliest flight possible. This was about 4 am, and the earliest flight was 9 am, five hours is a long time to kill when you haven't slept and at that point sleep sounded like such a good I spent the morning trying to wake up everyone I know for a ride to the airport...I figured everyone was up at 4 am, boy was I wrong, my friends are wusses for going to bed on a saturday night whats that about.......This seemed like such a better story before I saw it in print...eckh.....
Needless to say she was pretty suprised , wouldn't you be if I showed up at your door un-announced...I said suprised not traumatized.
Little did I know that she was helping her friend move that day, so instead of napping we got in the car and went to work, Apparently It was kind of amusing to be in a conversation and just kind of nod off. Oh well...this story is getting kind of bloated, so I'll skip to the good parts...yeah whatever perv....making out is great but one cannot exist on makin out alone....we made out and I fell very quickly to sleep, felt a little insensitive, oh well .
So the next day I cooked cerial (actually no cooking was involved) and we shared a spoon, aww how cute, I just didn't want to get stuck doing more dishes, we made out and she went to work....That night we made out then went to a show at the meow meow , I saw this band called siberia, who are a two piece, and they frickin rock, Rc the drummer is incredible, and olie is such a loud guitar player...omigad...anyway, there were other bands that were good, I'm just really bad with names...Portland is really into noise bands and odd combos it makes for a very fun show.....
So on tuesday night we went to this hipster joint and saw my new friend zach's band naked corpse, which is short for: They found my naked corpse face down in the snow....another awesome band with really long song titles and really short songs... there was some makin out and then a whole lot of the next couple of nights kind of blend together there was some drinking a lot of makin out and just hangin out with friends, which is the reason I went there anyway, because none of my friends here ever do anything.....
Oh well.....On saturday night I was bad he he he, so in caes you haven't realized, I really like makin out, so we go to this house party at a place called the f*ck pit, and I swear I was back in Oakland, it was this total grind show in the basement, and I kept expecting to see some of my friends any minute, I had to keep reminding myself that I was not home...anyway so theres these really great bands in the basement, and pbr cans everywhere, sound familiar....but apparently the people I was with weren't into that kind of stuff so we made our way to another party, which no one mentioned was a ninja/spy theme party I felt so under dressed, oh well nothing a little alcohol won't cure, did I mention that i like to drink a little the night progressesand theres more bands in the basement at this house, a couple of noise bands and that was all I saw I was getting kind of drunk at this point and couldn't sit still... then this girl who was dressed as a sluttier version of Harriet the spy, I don't she could have looked like who knows...Anyway she's getting tipsy and trying to flirt buy accentuating her cleavage and the fact that she is in fishnets and a catholic girl skirt, I think I saw this in a porno once....anyway to help increase her odds she bribed me with a 40 of my very favorite beer umm PBR, what can i say i'm a cheap date.......Oh yeah before anyone gets upset, the girl I was there with thought it was hilarious, I thought she was going to be skeeved that I was flirting with this girl but she thought it was funny, probably cuz she knew that i was still going home with her, she knows I like to flirt and I like to make out, it is kind of how we met....So this girl is trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me all the while I'm just having fun, people watching is a past time of mine, it's amazing the things people tell you without saying a anyway somehow she brings up how flexible she is, and then she does these perfect stripper splits in platform heels in the middle of the kitchen, to demonstrate how she wanted to be a cheerleader, and she got all offended when I asked her what she did for a living....I guess she thought I was insulting her, I don't know it was just a question, but she insisted that she was just a student so, so after her splits she stands up and her white fishnets are now covered in beer soaked mud cuz the floor is covered in it...she didn't seem to notice I didn't really care....then it gets wierd, she gets all heart broken and asks me why I hate her, or am I just gay...I didn't know what to think, so I told her I was gay, then I asked her if she wanted to make out....she was a little confused.
so we talked in the kitchen for about an hour and I could see where this was going so she went off to go talk to some other people while they waited for the bathroom and the show ended and my friends came upstairs and we headed toward the door, I wanted to make out but something told me that things would get un-fun so I cut....oh well the second time in I don't know how long someone hits on me and I walk away, oh well it was fun nobody got there feelings hurt, party on.....
After that we spent a lot of evenings in, we went to a movie but we were kind of partied out, lot's of makin out all pretty un-eventful.....The last night I was there I talked her into going to another show at dante's, my friend had recommended Storm and the Balls, I didn't know what to expect....and it was awesome, it was this total chill almost lounge show except she was singing NIN and other random cool songs...very cool I highly recommend it...and the stories were hilarious....
and the next day , with much reservation I got on a plane.....I love portland, and the girl...well who knows neither of us is down for a lon distance thing so we'll just flirt constantly and, just be friends .....that makeout sometimes...there's nothing wrong with that is there.
So I got this very disturbing e-mail from my friend today, the title is mlikshake and it's a wmv file and it's the most traumatic 35 seconds of my life, it's like a car crash, it's horrible and disgusting, but you can't help but stare, but unlike a car crash that the initial trauma is over in few seconds, this one gets worse and worse and worse until the unspeakable finish, I highly recomend it to anyone.....
So I went to Portland last week....I was supposed to go on tuesday but after a very sad conversation with the girl I was visiting, I decided to go a little early...I thought everybody likes suprise right, so when she complained about having to wait another two days for me to fly up, I decided that she shouldn't have to. That decided I got online and booked the earliest flight possible. This was about 4 am, and the earliest flight was 9 am, five hours is a long time to kill when you haven't slept and at that point sleep sounded like such a good I spent the morning trying to wake up everyone I know for a ride to the airport...I figured everyone was up at 4 am, boy was I wrong, my friends are wusses for going to bed on a saturday night whats that about.......This seemed like such a better story before I saw it in print...eckh.....
Needless to say she was pretty suprised , wouldn't you be if I showed up at your door un-announced...I said suprised not traumatized.
Little did I know that she was helping her friend move that day, so instead of napping we got in the car and went to work, Apparently It was kind of amusing to be in a conversation and just kind of nod off. Oh well...this story is getting kind of bloated, so I'll skip to the good parts...yeah whatever perv....making out is great but one cannot exist on makin out alone....we made out and I fell very quickly to sleep, felt a little insensitive, oh well .
So the next day I cooked cerial (actually no cooking was involved) and we shared a spoon, aww how cute, I just didn't want to get stuck doing more dishes, we made out and she went to work....That night we made out then went to a show at the meow meow , I saw this band called siberia, who are a two piece, and they frickin rock, Rc the drummer is incredible, and olie is such a loud guitar player...omigad...anyway, there were other bands that were good, I'm just really bad with names...Portland is really into noise bands and odd combos it makes for a very fun show.....
So on tuesday night we went to this hipster joint and saw my new friend zach's band naked corpse, which is short for: They found my naked corpse face down in the snow....another awesome band with really long song titles and really short songs... there was some makin out and then a whole lot of the next couple of nights kind of blend together there was some drinking a lot of makin out and just hangin out with friends, which is the reason I went there anyway, because none of my friends here ever do anything.....
Oh well.....On saturday night I was bad he he he, so in caes you haven't realized, I really like makin out, so we go to this house party at a place called the f*ck pit, and I swear I was back in Oakland, it was this total grind show in the basement, and I kept expecting to see some of my friends any minute, I had to keep reminding myself that I was not home...anyway so theres these really great bands in the basement, and pbr cans everywhere, sound familiar....but apparently the people I was with weren't into that kind of stuff so we made our way to another party, which no one mentioned was a ninja/spy theme party I felt so under dressed, oh well nothing a little alcohol won't cure, did I mention that i like to drink a little the night progressesand theres more bands in the basement at this house, a couple of noise bands and that was all I saw I was getting kind of drunk at this point and couldn't sit still... then this girl who was dressed as a sluttier version of Harriet the spy, I don't she could have looked like who knows...Anyway she's getting tipsy and trying to flirt buy accentuating her cleavage and the fact that she is in fishnets and a catholic girl skirt, I think I saw this in a porno once....anyway to help increase her odds she bribed me with a 40 of my very favorite beer umm PBR, what can i say i'm a cheap date.......Oh yeah before anyone gets upset, the girl I was there with thought it was hilarious, I thought she was going to be skeeved that I was flirting with this girl but she thought it was funny, probably cuz she knew that i was still going home with her, she knows I like to flirt and I like to make out, it is kind of how we met....So this girl is trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me all the while I'm just having fun, people watching is a past time of mine, it's amazing the things people tell you without saying a anyway somehow she brings up how flexible she is, and then she does these perfect stripper splits in platform heels in the middle of the kitchen, to demonstrate how she wanted to be a cheerleader, and she got all offended when I asked her what she did for a living....I guess she thought I was insulting her, I don't know it was just a question, but she insisted that she was just a student so, so after her splits she stands up and her white fishnets are now covered in beer soaked mud cuz the floor is covered in it...she didn't seem to notice I didn't really care....then it gets wierd, she gets all heart broken and asks me why I hate her, or am I just gay...I didn't know what to think, so I told her I was gay, then I asked her if she wanted to make out....she was a little confused.
so we talked in the kitchen for about an hour and I could see where this was going so she went off to go talk to some other people while they waited for the bathroom and the show ended and my friends came upstairs and we headed toward the door, I wanted to make out but something told me that things would get un-fun so I cut....oh well the second time in I don't know how long someone hits on me and I walk away, oh well it was fun nobody got there feelings hurt, party on.....
After that we spent a lot of evenings in, we went to a movie but we were kind of partied out, lot's of makin out all pretty un-eventful.....The last night I was there I talked her into going to another show at dante's, my friend had recommended Storm and the Balls, I didn't know what to expect....and it was awesome, it was this total chill almost lounge show except she was singing NIN and other random cool songs...very cool I highly recommend it...and the stories were hilarious....
and the next day , with much reservation I got on a plane.....I love portland, and the girl...well who knows neither of us is down for a lon distance thing so we'll just flirt constantly and, just be friends .....that makeout sometimes...there's nothing wrong with that is there.