So working again is strange, this is probably the most fun I have had on any tour but it is draining. It makes me wish iI was playing music not working for someone playing music. But I really can't complain I got a free trip to Europe out of it, we go to Berlin tomorrow, Leipzig then Hamburg, sorry in advance to any Germans if...
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happy birthday!
So yeah....... just got finished loading the car, all set to move to Portland tomorrow pretty stoked, not so stoked about the drive though. Also not so stoked that I'm not sure my car will make it. It's sitting a little low. I didn't realize I had so much crap. Anyway I'll have a bunch of time till school starts so I can get rid...
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Just in case any one was wondering:
Just trying to be helpful.
Just trying to be helpful.

The rumors of my demise have been greatly exagerated........I am alive and well, much to the dismay of most people who know me.( They don't get out much, so anyything excites them these days)
So I am back from Tony Hawk, and despite my best efforts I didn't break anything when I tried to skate that monster ramp. I did fall more times then I...
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So I am back from Tony Hawk, and despite my best efforts I didn't break anything when I tried to skate that monster ramp. I did fall more times then I...
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r u ok?

I just got a new tattoo.....I'm very stoked....I'll post a pic when I get a chance....
Oh yeah that myth about leg tattoos not hurting.......I think that only applies to people who's legs have seen the sun in the last ten years, which does not include mine......yeah shin bones, they hurt just a wee bit.....just a little.......
Oh yeah that myth about leg tattoos not hurting.......I think that only applies to people who's legs have seen the sun in the last ten years, which does not include mine......yeah shin bones, they hurt just a wee bit.....just a little.......
Happy Birthday!!!
Leg tattoos hurt like hell. owwww
Leg tattoos hurt like hell. owwww
So if Jesus died for your sins, doesn't that mean that Jesus died for nothing if you don't sin.... so sin gives his death purpose....hmmm. I bet they don't teach that in Sunday school...
Sorry, my freind Nickie wanted to go to Cheetahs when we where in Atlanta but she changed her mind when the only day we could go was easter sunday, She said...
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Sorry, my freind Nickie wanted to go to Cheetahs when we where in Atlanta but she changed her mind when the only day we could go was easter sunday, She said...
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there is one sin.. it is selfishness...
nakedness is real.
nakedness is real.
updating on the road has been harder than I thought it would be, I just don't have much to say, people think roadlife is all fun and games and, unfortunately on the tour I'm on it really isn't, it is however cold, like reallly cold, I never knew what cold was until I hit the northeast in winter..Being from oakland it's like 70 degrees all...
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So im on the road again, I told myself I wouldn't tour again after the last one, it was to draining.......but here I am..It's amazing the depths poverty will drive people to......well you can't sell blood anymore, no one in there right mind would pay for me sperm so I gotta go with what I know......I got to learn more or I'm going to be...
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My heart has healed wonderfully! Mostly I am excited to not be in pain anymore.