Of course our summer is getting out of hand. The great thing about taking a 150°F sauna when it's 90 + out. It makes 90+ seem cool. Hope that you and child are doing well. Enjoy.
MOM. That's all that matters. Front end loading for those awkward years between 11 and 20 when they think that they stop needing Mom. Enjoy every instant.
congratulations again, you look absolutely perfect, I remember hallucinating on the way to work one day after my second son was born due to lack of sleep. Hope sleep is in your future!!
Since you're going to be needing some lullaby's. Check out the Wainwright Sisters "Baby Rocking Medley". The first part "Baby Tree"comes from Jefferson Starship " Blows Against the Empire". "The Hostile Baby Rocking Song" has more verses ( as needed ) but I can't recall who does the original. Hope that these help. *** I sang "Baby Tree" to the belly, part of A's bedtime ritual, & A was 10 when she stopped needing me to sing it to her. Enjoy.
Are mods available for your xbox yet? The original story where I saw this seemed to be saying they weren't, but are supposed to be coming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V27YX1WCa34
Dec 1 and still no Snow here. But we can feel, as the saying goes : Winter IS Coming. Just bought 2 pallets of manufactured logs, equals out to 5 cord of wood ( cord is a neat stack of firewood 8 foot by 4 foot by 4 foot ). Should be more than enough to get through.