I don't even know why I'm writing this to be honest. Today certainly feels like Judgment day. After about three months of enduring my "main" bosses tribulations I'm supposed to meet with her boss, again, for the second time in a month. Per her request this time. fortunately her boss, really likes me and encourages me to continue on as I've put myself in an incredibly valuable position for him and his business. This woman is absolutely insufferable. I don't think she even knows what the word enjoyment is. She's basically maleficent in the flesh, only she looks like a female version of Donald Trump. That alone should be a giveaway she's a red flag.
Making a mountain out of a mole hill over an issue that hasn't even happend yet. It really all comes down to me being promoted in roughly a week as my facilities lead co-occurring therapist. Which outranks her. Which makes me a threat, which makes her look disempowered. If you haven't gathered it yet, this lady is a Kerby of power from everyone. She's a siphon of pleasure and happiness so she can feed her own ego. She likes to be on top of everything around. Except me. I'm her equal and soon to be above her as far as ability to perform tasks at work that she is unable to do due to experience and education.
I'm not sorry I spent a decade of my life in college to earn this. I'm not sorry I sacrificed relationships, pets, family, homes and literal enjoyment as a man in his 20's because I wanted something better than drunken memories and copious sex with other promiscuous women. I have a dream, and here it is. It's happening.
The price we pay for a dream often comes in the form of jealousy and grief of those around us who did not have the discipline to pursue it.
So here I sit, getting ready for my day. Another long day I dread to step into until this promotion is finalized. It really makes it hard to enjoy a decade of work finally being recognized and seen and earning the promotion and all the perks when you dread going to the place where's supposed to start.
I do hope you all have a much happier and more enjoyable Friday than I. Be safe!