Wow, okay, so I'm 10 weeks pregnant now. This week I was home 3 days with a cold/flu thing with a low grade fever. Thankfully the fever never got high enough to be dangerous, and I was able to control it further with Tylenol. Still, scary stuff, and annoying because I can't take the 'good drugs' to help me get over it. The robitussin is helping more than having nothing at all, though.
Not much to tell nowadays, I'm pretty boring. I'm tired and my vitamin makes me sick most days, so I don't feel like doing much of anything. I've tried eating it with large meals (usually have to gorge myself on a meal to keep it all down), but don't relish the idea of taking it at night and being up all night puking, so I haven't tried that.
Honestly... I haven't had much time for SG in the past year, I log in maybe twice every quarter? It's really a waste of my money since I just don't have the time. So, I don't know if I'll renew my membership, but we'll just have to see. I think i have 2 months left on this quarters membership now.
Not much to tell nowadays, I'm pretty boring. I'm tired and my vitamin makes me sick most days, so I don't feel like doing much of anything. I've tried eating it with large meals (usually have to gorge myself on a meal to keep it all down), but don't relish the idea of taking it at night and being up all night puking, so I haven't tried that.
Honestly... I haven't had much time for SG in the past year, I log in maybe twice every quarter? It's really a waste of my money since I just don't have the time. So, I don't know if I'll renew my membership, but we'll just have to see. I think i have 2 months left on this quarters membership now.
It's so nice to know I'm not the only one....and I'm not nuts...well at least not because of this anyway.
Hope you are feeling better. Morning sickness & the general tiredness of the first tri. are hard enough... but with the cold/flu on top of it?!!!?
You might want to talk to your doc., some prenat. vit's are made to be less harsh on the stomach. I'm racking my brain for what I was on, but am coming up empty. It'll probably pop out at some unrelated moment & I'll write you then...
P.S. Don't go away...