Wow, thanks to all of you for your sweet and supportive comments! I'm almost into my third trimester now (they're all going so fast!) and have thankfully been feeling back to myself for a while now. It was amazing how foreign my own body felt to me for those first three months... the unpredictibility, the overall feeling of being ill, the aches and cramps and...
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Lamaze is a wonderful line of baby toys. A bit pricey but worth it.
Wow, I've been gone so long I didnt know you were preggo! Congrats! I wanted a girl so bad, but I love my little boy too much to wanna trade him. Okay, here's the only wisdom I can think to share. Mirrors, and any toys that are black and white are really good for babies--they're eyesight sucks, and the contrast between black and white (and red) is really stimulating for them. And don't waste money ona diaper genie, if you haven't already. They're shit (no pun intended). Congrats again, post pics.

yay, 3 months pregnant and still going. The energy is slowly coming back. Dr gave me chewable prentatal vitamins which so far seeem to be more tolerable (but they taste like blood), so it's nice to not have to Fear taking my vitamin every day.
I'm getting past feeling like I've been hit with a mac truck, which is nice. But I never feel like...
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I'm getting past feeling like I've been hit with a mac truck, which is nice. But I never feel like...
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congratulations. raising a child is the best thing ever, i wish i could have had more than one
Wow, okay, so I'm 10 weeks pregnant now. This week I was home 3 days with a cold/flu thing with a low grade fever. Thankfully the fever never got high enough to be dangerous, and I was able to control it further with Tylenol. Still, scary stuff, and annoying because I can't take the 'good drugs' to help me get over it. The robitussin is...
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Regarding your comment....that's EXACTLY how I feel. I couldn't have said it better myself!
It's so nice to know I'm not the only one....and I'm not nuts...well at least not because of this anyway.
Hope you are feeling better. Morning sickness & the general tiredness of the first tri. are hard enough... but with the cold/flu on top of it?!!!?
You might want to talk to your doc., some prenat. vit's are made to be less harsh on the stomach. I'm racking my brain for what I was on, but am coming up empty. It'll probably pop out at some unrelated moment & I'll write you then...
P.S. Don't go away...
It's so nice to know I'm not the only one....and I'm not nuts...well at least not because of this anyway.

Hope you are feeling better. Morning sickness & the general tiredness of the first tri. are hard enough... but with the cold/flu on top of it?!!!?

You might want to talk to your doc., some prenat. vit's are made to be less harsh on the stomach. I'm racking my brain for what I was on, but am coming up empty. It'll probably pop out at some unrelated moment & I'll write you then...
P.S. Don't go away...

So, here's some news!
In the past month, I've taken a drug test and a pregnancy test.
One of these came back negative.
(clue: the drug test was a prescreen for the job that I've now been at 2 weeks.)
Talk amongst yourselves...
In the past month, I've taken a drug test and a pregnancy test.
One of these came back negative.
(clue: the drug test was a prescreen for the job that I've now been at 2 weeks.)

Talk amongst yourselves...
well at least the drug test came back negative then...congrats

Not going anywhere, just making some changes...

Man, has it been this long since I updated?
2nd interview at Comcast went well. Met with a guy named Andy Dix. He requested some of my writing samples and made me pick a shape from these choices: A square, a circle, a triangle, and a squiggely line. Thank goodness for my art classes.
I chose a circle, recalling the symbolism of the other shapes:...
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2nd interview at Comcast went well. Met with a guy named Andy Dix. He requested some of my writing samples and made me pick a shape from these choices: A square, a circle, a triangle, and a squiggely line. Thank goodness for my art classes.
I chose a circle, recalling the symbolism of the other shapes:...
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what is this geocaching you speak of?? please to tell more.
sounds very cool i'm gonna check it out

Man, I'm bad about updating this thing. Joining BASS Club was a good thing, we just got back from our first event there. There's lots of cool new area people to meet, and it's great networking.
You see, right now networking is especially important for us, as my husband just lost his job. When you're buying a house, this is especially devastating news. Especially when...
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You see, right now networking is especially important for us, as my husband just lost his job. When you're buying a house, this is especially devastating news. Especially when...
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[Edited on Dec 06, 2004 12:00PM]
[Edited on Dec 06, 2004 12:00PM]
You ask my cereal preference and I have to admit it's a tough question. Much tougher in fact than you may realize.
Oh sure Raisin Bran makes everything good first thing in the morning, but no more than Cheerios or Grape Nuts.
I'm going to have to put my money on.......Cheerios.
Raisin Bran can be a foul trickster, "Oh sure have a second bowl I won't upset your stomach.....much...heh heh heh".
Grape Nuts likewise can come back to bite you. Oh sure they taste great, especially with some raisins but if you don't clean each and every last bit out of the bowl they turn into some concrete-like substance that refuses to be moved by God or man alike.
Yep my money is on the Cheerios, good to the last bite.
And I ramble but you probably already knew that
So don't leave me in suspense I'm dying to hear what comes next
Oh sure Raisin Bran makes everything good first thing in the morning, but no more than Cheerios or Grape Nuts.
I'm going to have to put my money on.......Cheerios.
Raisin Bran can be a foul trickster, "Oh sure have a second bowl I won't upset your stomach.....much...heh heh heh".
Grape Nuts likewise can come back to bite you. Oh sure they taste great, especially with some raisins but if you don't clean each and every last bit out of the bowl they turn into some concrete-like substance that refuses to be moved by God or man alike.
Yep my money is on the Cheerios, good to the last bite.
And I ramble but you probably already knew that

So don't leave me in suspense I'm dying to hear what comes next


So, we're all moved in, and this house is absolutely amazing. Every day I come home and it's completely surreal, like this house is too good to be true.
I officially have lost nearly all my girlfriends. I have a couple of acquaintances, but I no longer have anyone left that I can call up and ask to go to lunch. To go shopping in the middle of the day on short notice. To hop out of town on a jaunt.
I feel like I'm being forced into some kind of Mrs. Cleaver lifestyle...
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I feel like I'm being forced into some kind of Mrs. Cleaver lifestyle...
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hmmmmm....... i think i know how you feel, and yes it kinda sucks!

hmmmmm....... i think i know how you feel, and yes it kinda sucks!

We had discussed a party. A massive, C&C style halloween party complete with scavenger hunt, lots of fake dead people, and raspberry flavored blood. Perhaps the dead would float in the pool... hang from the trees... be hidden between the knee high weeds of the back field of our friend's parents property.
Instead, we invite our friends to dress up in our grungiest clothes, and...
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Instead, we invite our friends to dress up in our grungiest clothes, and...
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congrats. i hope you love the new house.
thank you for joining the veruca salt group. if you know anyone else that might be interested... spread the word.

I have much of the financing figured out at this point, but I'm still looking for freelance administrative work to be safe. But, I think it's all going to be okay - it does make me nervous liquidating all my assets, but they tell me this sort of thing is normal when you buy your first house. Ah well.
Some of the financial stuff won't...
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Some of the financial stuff won't...
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