Tragic News. I found out today, much to my surprise,
that the web server at the school where I work blocks
access to SG (such Victorian prudery!), so I won't be
able to access my journal or anything else on this
lovely site. How will I survive without my daily
dose of freaky naked girls?
I will still be accessible via email so PLEASE message
me, as I would love to hear from those of you who I
have been in contact with (or anyone else for that
matter). Hopefully I'll figure out some back door
soon, but right now I'm under the tyrannical will of
the man.
that the web server at the school where I work blocks
access to SG (such Victorian prudery!), so I won't be
able to access my journal or anything else on this
lovely site. How will I survive without my daily
dose of freaky naked girls?
I will still be accessible via email so PLEASE message
me, as I would love to hear from those of you who I
have been in contact with (or anyone else for that
matter). Hopefully I'll figure out some back door
soon, but right now I'm under the tyrannical will of
the man.
Sadly, my favorite proxy is down at the moment, so I don't have any links for good, public access proxies right now, though I found an interesting site myself at:
Also, might wanna do a web search for "anonymous proxy" or something. Also, if you're willing to pay for such a service, you can get it at:
This assumes, of course, that your school didn't also block access to the proxy. =) Hope this post finds you well and you get SG at your uni.