Just got back from a trip to the Outer Banks. It was fun. Did some body surfing. Just relaxed. Took pictures. Stayed off the computer (mostly). I feel recharged.
Body surfing rocks! a helluva lot easier than regular surfing, too smile
went to a cool art show tonight... some really good pieces.

then i got drunk. haven't been this drunk in years. it's a little annoying cause i'd rather stop being drunk now, but nothing i can do about it. should try to enjoy it. .. floaty... mmm
Well, everything was fine with the deletion mess of last week. My restoration must have worked!

This week they had me doing "documentation". BORING! But I should be welcoming some boring stuff for a change. I about had a heart attack last Friday.

So things are good.
Yesterday at work, I did a bad thing: I accidentally deleted a client's spreadsheet table. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but it was.

I called them up and they said, "You WHAT?!" I felt like crying. They had a backup in an Excel file, so after 4 hours of working on it, I got the data back in place... as best I could....
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Thanks again for the comments. It's funny, though- I know my pix look like they are oversaturated, but they are all printed from negative with no editing. But it is true I regard a lot of my work as paintings with light. A camera is merely another tool of creation.
Sorry to hear about your deletion fiasco. Hope it all works out okay- good luck! smile
It's hot! And my cat has decided it's the perfect time to lay on me...

Oh well.
Thanks so much for the compliments! But which pix were you refering to in regards to motion and shakiness?
So it seemed like roadrunner, my isp, might have been having problems. To get a page to come up on my laptop, I had to hit reload several times. Or sometimes it wouldn't come up at all.

But I think there's a weird thing going on with my wireless configuration. I brought up the desktop machine, and now the connection is fine. I've had this...
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yeah, working 19 hours out of 24 sucked. i spent all of sunday recuperating. but i sort of got today and yesterday off. i still had to babysit a few things from home though. so i think that was sort of house arrest.

"You're off the clock, but can you keep an eye on a few things while you're at it?" Such is the nature...
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hahaha i would be like no fucking way
good for you! I'm just a wuss, see

but, that wasn't a direct quote up there. that was more like the feeling I got, that I had to babysit. and it won't matter if I move into a salary position with them. then I'll be on the clock until I quit or get fired.
I worked 19 hours yesterday, so that was crazy. At least I got to do half of it from home.

This web site just HAD to be done by Friday. Then it became it just HAS to be done by Monday morning. It isn't done at the moment, so that gives them about 24 more hours. Break out the double espressos.

I know I'm done....
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19 hrs? damn.
hmm. Bill Nye The Science Guy was a great TV show. Like most great shows, it was cancelled.

TV executives are the worst.