im very much in love with my man.. quit my job thursday so im tight on cash... but me and my love are moving in together soon hopefully ..mmm.. in love
hey! i'm having a little get-together bbq party this coming Tuesday night for all the people in SGFL and Orlando, and you are totally invited if you're free!
let me know if you're down and i'll message you with directions and all that fun stuff
lets phone got stolen at steak & shake...i got fired from my job, im being sued $200 for a stupid reason and i need to pay my uncle $300 by the end of this month...which is in like 2/3 holy fucking shit im fucked
i almost passed out @ work and puked everywhere so they sent me home...but i work a double tomorrow...8AMto 12AM-1AMish..yep but im banking so i dont give a fuck...heheh im strong like dat nucca!! ill take you!!