Warm greetings and many kisses to the inhabitants of SG Land! 

I see many hot sets have gone out in my absence - thank you Lumo, Tarion, Skylar and Zebrah!!! Many more sets but those are the ones I can recall off the top of my still preggie-addled mind. For those who've been counting and scratching their heads, my little one has indeed hatched! He's now a month old and that's kind of why I've been as quiet as a graveyard...babies take up a lot of time and energy!
First things first: I had to go for a c section as Blaze (my little boy!) hadn't dropped and he had the cord around his neck. Thankfully all went smoothly for both of us. What an experience though...they made me watch as they took him out despite my protests and promises that I'm more squeemish than they thought. Still I managed to survive...won't be doing it anytime soon though! Gonna need time to get back in shape and to push out a few more sets...plus catch up some much needed PARTYING!!! OMG I miss partying...and booze...sigh.
Cool so my little monster is just over 4 kg and 54 cm long. His shape is classified as tall skinny...that make anyone else think of coffee??? We decided on going with the spelling of Blaze as opposed to Blaise as those phonetic fanatics out there will call the poor kid "Bla". Turns out that the name is not only that of a child prodigy (do Google some of his quotes, they are delightful!) but also of the patron saint of Croatia. Small world eh?!? This is the smallest file I could find. Need to reinstall some software...
By the way...how the hell are you all doing? What's news? Xmas plans? How was your Halloween?
I'll be going to the coast from the 6th of December but I'll be staying in touch due to lack of or severely tamed partying. Still, time by the sea will be awesome!

I see many hot sets have gone out in my absence - thank you Lumo, Tarion, Skylar and Zebrah!!! Many more sets but those are the ones I can recall off the top of my still preggie-addled mind. For those who've been counting and scratching their heads, my little one has indeed hatched! He's now a month old and that's kind of why I've been as quiet as a graveyard...babies take up a lot of time and energy!
First things first: I had to go for a c section as Blaze (my little boy!) hadn't dropped and he had the cord around his neck. Thankfully all went smoothly for both of us. What an experience though...they made me watch as they took him out despite my protests and promises that I'm more squeemish than they thought. Still I managed to survive...won't be doing it anytime soon though! Gonna need time to get back in shape and to push out a few more sets...plus catch up some much needed PARTYING!!! OMG I miss partying...and booze...sigh.
Cool so my little monster is just over 4 kg and 54 cm long. His shape is classified as tall skinny...that make anyone else think of coffee??? We decided on going with the spelling of Blaze as opposed to Blaise as those phonetic fanatics out there will call the poor kid "Bla". Turns out that the name is not only that of a child prodigy (do Google some of his quotes, they are delightful!) but also of the patron saint of Croatia. Small world eh?!? This is the smallest file I could find. Need to reinstall some software...
By the way...how the hell are you all doing? What's news? Xmas plans? How was your Halloween?
I'll be going to the coast from the 6th of December but I'll be staying in touch due to lack of or severely tamed partying. Still, time by the sea will be awesome!

How you doing? And the little one?