As far as Mondays go, today had to be one of the worst/longest. In fairness however, while waiting for your flight, considering the day ahead, one comes to realise how fluid time is. I was wiating for a flight around 6am this morning and was hoping my second cup of coffee would rouse me to some state similar to took a while. In the process, I noticed that there were more chirpings from young children than normal...upon further inspection, I noticed that there was some sort of camp going on tour and as a result, there was a group of about 50x 8 year olds running around the amount of coffee can prepare one for that many children at 6 in the morning! Nonetheless it got me wondering about what I'd done growing up, friends I'd made and lost along the way and it chilled me to the bone. It feels like last week I finished high school and yesterday I graduated from varsity. Now I'm 25 and selling my life to the corporate world for a seriously cheap rate. I promise this isn't a downy blog but is it just me? Is time way more than fleeting? One thing that did bring a (possibly freaky smile to the parnets of those kids) smile to my face were the memories of all the good time I've had with those friends. I'll end this rather contemplative blog with a simple message: Love like you've never been hurt, live like there's no tomorrow and party like tomorrow's Saturday!
Hang on a moment...this is how the rest of my Monday went though....
Hang on a moment...this is how the rest of my Monday went though....
I hope you'll enjoy yours as much as I will.
and big congrats to go pink!