Greetings all you beautiful, funky SG peeps! I'm SOOOOO sorry for not replying sooner but I've been experiencing internetlessness and let me tell you, you don't realise how much you rely on it until it's unavailable. I had an interesting experience while trying to view the site at an internet cafe - bear in mind, it's been about 10 years since I've been to one and a LOT has changed! For instance, you pay for every 10 minutes as opposed to hour plus they block many SG! I get the whole no porn site thing as a kid may be sitting next to you and that's not exactly something people are comfortable sharing with children (although that limited exposure is in itself a matter of discussion) but what happened to separate booths? Anyway that's my ranting over with...for now at least
I'm mildly spooked by all the Christmas decorations which have been appearing since October...I'm already broke now they have to rub Christmas into the wound? Mama mia! I love Christmas more for the high spirits that people are in, the wonderful food and of course the joy of putting up a tree as opposed to the plastic decorations and over-played Boney M tunes. Ok I sense I'm ranting again...sorry
Will align my thought processes with some alcohol and try this again a bit later.
Love y'all!
I'm mildly spooked by all the Christmas decorations which have been appearing since October...I'm already broke now they have to rub Christmas into the wound? Mama mia! I love Christmas more for the high spirits that people are in, the wonderful food and of course the joy of putting up a tree as opposed to the plastic decorations and over-played Boney M tunes. Ok I sense I'm ranting again...sorry
Love y'all!
or get rat-faced yourself after hours
I agree about all the decorations, etc ... Too early in the year to " peddle " their wares.