@missy and @rambo asked us who are celebrity crushes were growing up.

While mine are super cheesy, I still stand by them! To this day, these people still do something to me.

Introducing my childhood crushes: Daniel Radcliffe, Orlando Bloom and Selena Gomez

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@rambo and @missy Asked us what is something we wished we had learned sooner that we can pass on.

I thought on this one for a moment, and I figured I'd write about something I am currently going through. I guess the thing I wish I had learned sooner is that nothing is ever as you want it.

While I had knew this lesson for...
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@missy and @rambo wanted to know what our favorite picture of ourselves was.

This picture was taken "behind the scenes" at a shoot I did a year or so ago. This photoshoot was done to promote a fashion show I was going to be walking in a month later. It was held back home inside of a mansion and rose money for the local women's
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Hi, babes! Miss me?

Sorry I've been out for so long, life gets busy and crazy, but I'm here now.

SO, Let's pick up from where we left off.

@missy and @rambo wanted to know what shows I am currently streaming

Lately, I've been trying to get caught back up on Broad City. I am completely obsessed with this show, I can't get enough of...
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I know it's been forever since I've posted a blog or anything, and I apologize! The world has me busy at the moment, but I will try harder for you guys!

I have been keeping up with my bodybuilding, and it's going super well! I also just put down my deposit for my very first apartment!

Hopefully soon I can find a photographer and put...
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This week, @rambo and @missy want to know what we want to be remembered for.

I've always been a huge literature nerd. My greatest heroes have always been those in novels, whether it be a comic book, or a sappy romance novel, they've always managed to sweep me off my feet. And, the beautiful minds behind those novels are the reason for that.

So, I'd...
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Best wishes!

Hi babies!

What are all of you doing for Valentine's Day? Leave it in the comments below so that I may live vicariously through you! <3

I've never had a good Valentine's Day, so I'm treating myself this year. :)

Hope you all have a lovely day, and don't forget to vote on my set!


I so understand the sentiment..Valentine's Days have always been hard for me..always this slight sense of rejection..hah..I spent mine mostly editing SG sets this year..hah..whatdya treat yourself to this year? 

This week @missy and @rambo want to know what our favorite video games were as kids!

When I was a kid, my best friend and I LOVED playing Sly Cooper. It was our ritual to play it each and every time that I stayed the night.

I also loved playing Jack and Daxter and Pokemon Sapphire.

That looks so cool!
I still play this game!