To start off this post, I would first like to say hello and introduce, HELLO! My name is Arori and this is my first day here, and I couldn't be more stoked! I've been admiring from afar for awhile now and was so thrilled when I opened the email saying that my first set had been accepted and would be posted in five months. @missy @rambo
Now, have I ever met anyone famous? Yes! I have met quite a few, due to Warped Tour. The most recent being Silverstein when they went on tour with Beartooth, Hands Like Houses, and Major League. A friend and I drove all the way to Ohio and back in the same day just to witness this tour, this being over a four hour drive might I add. During in this concert, I was punched in the face many times, was protected by heroic strangers from the mosh pits, and crowd surfed for the first time!
At the end of the night, I went to the various booths to purchase CD's and T-shirts, and then run into none other than Shane Told. We get to talking and I compliment him on his performance and then ask if I can take a picture with him, he smiles at me and tells me I am the most polite person he has met and that he would be honored to take a picture with me (at this point, I almost faint).