- on armysoldier15w's photo
- on kmila's photo
- on norte's post on armysoldier15w's page
- on Pinups for Soldiers in everything sg
- on Who is your Woman Crush Wednesday? in everything sg
- on norte's post on armysoldier15w's page
So as i am here laying down on my cot for the night out here in ft polk louisana, i realise that even though i am always out training i know that i have the greatest group of people to be with and work with, i am truly grateful for the friends and family i make in the army. So i hope you all have...
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Hello all it has been a while since posting. Well everything is going great on my end, i hope everyone is doing good too. I have been stuck out here in the field for 3 weeks now going on 4, waiting for the best holiday ever THANKSGIVING going to devour some fucking food i tell you that much. But yea not much going on. So...
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Oh good ole USA we are having some rough times now, but you know what i believe in you and will always believe in you so everyone for the love of AMERICA lets quit fighting, getting so easily offended, and celebrate one of the greatest days ever that gave us the freedom to do all of that. So go on slam whiskey, beer, and martinis...
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So here i am 12 hours in to my 24hr CQ shift, aaaaaaannnnnd i am sooooooooooo bored, anybody down to keep me company haha
this sucks a couple months ago ny adventuring friends moved to italy, which i am very happy for, but left me with no one to go on adventures with. None of my other buddies are into hiking and seeing the world, so if anybody is down to go i know some awesome spots around el paso lol
So as i am still recovering from my wrist surgery, i sit here out of work half missing it half not, but i also sit and wonder what else could i do with my life, i wonder if i got out of the army right now what would i do. I do not know if i can find the drive to pursue something yet i...
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Yes as always it has been a while since blogging, i guess not a lot has been going on just working day after day somebody has got to hustle that money. But anyway enough about my boring life how have yall been lets chat.
I have had the honor to work a long side great men and women in 7 years so far of the Army i am proud to serve and proud to have served my country I will never take it for granted, also i want to thank all the families as well too for putting up with the long hours we put in and the time...
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