The drama NEVER EVER stops with these fuckers I live with. All I want to do is extracate myself completely from their influence and abnormally superior ability to bring stress, inconsistency and complete idiocy to my life.
Tell me how fucked up this is.
I live with two friends and one of them is married. So I get to inherit all their dysfunction. All the drama that has passed in the last year...and I still hav'nt moved out. she cheats on him. He freaks out. Goes apeshit. The apparantly in some bone head move about a week and a half ago decides to get even and cheat on her and then tell her about it. WTF????
So this girl I'm dating is friends with the girl who he cheated on his wife with. Neither she or I have ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the fact that neither of those two fuck ass bitch punks can't handle their own shit. We have literally nothing to do with any of their relationships with each other or their cheating. We did'nt introduce, hang out with, endorse or solicit any of it. If anything...through this entire ordeal we have warned each party or the stupidity of their actions and the consequences of being so stupid.
So imagine my suprise when last night as Ashley (the girl I'm dating) and I are cooking dinner when my roommate comes out of his room and says that essentially...his wife is pissed cause the girl I'm dating is friends with the girl he cheated on her with...and she does'nt want her in the house. He's like..."I'm just trying to be the peacemaker and I told her I can't ask them to leave...but I had to come out here and tell you guys and ask you guys to at least wait until it's not as fresh to hang out here."
FFFFUUUUUUUUUCK YOU! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU! How dare you fucking even talk to me. You two can't keep your shit in line...and you want to come and project your shit on to us???
I cannot fucking stay in this place one more fucking second longer than I have to. I'm so over this bullshit.
I'm so over this "friendship." Fuck.
THE UPDATE: Told my roomies to fuck in a big fucking arguement about it...all they wanted to do was try to justify their idiocy. Not even a shadow of an apology. I'm moving to Laguna Beach on the 1st...found an AMAZING place in the hills with an ocean view just off of PCH.
Tell me how fucked up this is.
I live with two friends and one of them is married. So I get to inherit all their dysfunction. All the drama that has passed in the last year...and I still hav'nt moved out. she cheats on him. He freaks out. Goes apeshit. The apparantly in some bone head move about a week and a half ago decides to get even and cheat on her and then tell her about it. WTF????
So this girl I'm dating is friends with the girl who he cheated on his wife with. Neither she or I have ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the fact that neither of those two fuck ass bitch punks can't handle their own shit. We have literally nothing to do with any of their relationships with each other or their cheating. We did'nt introduce, hang out with, endorse or solicit any of it. If anything...through this entire ordeal we have warned each party or the stupidity of their actions and the consequences of being so stupid.
So imagine my suprise when last night as Ashley (the girl I'm dating) and I are cooking dinner when my roommate comes out of his room and says that essentially...his wife is pissed cause the girl I'm dating is friends with the girl he cheated on her with...and she does'nt want her in the house. He's like..."I'm just trying to be the peacemaker and I told her I can't ask them to leave...but I had to come out here and tell you guys and ask you guys to at least wait until it's not as fresh to hang out here."
FFFFUUUUUUUUUCK YOU! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU! How dare you fucking even talk to me. You two can't keep your shit in line...and you want to come and project your shit on to us???
I cannot fucking stay in this place one more fucking second longer than I have to. I'm so over this bullshit.

I'm so over this "friendship." Fuck.
THE UPDATE: Told my roomies to fuck in a big fucking arguement about it...all they wanted to do was try to justify their idiocy. Not even a shadow of an apology. I'm moving to Laguna Beach on the 1st...found an AMAZING place in the hills with an ocean view just off of PCH.

i couldnt deal with being around that
i go to my parents and cant deal with their fighting for more than a few minutes
this is insane
get out while you still can