You know you're addicted to a website when while traveling you make it a priority to check up and post.
Someone help me!
I'm up in San Francisco till the weekend...and I'd forgotten how beautiful it is. I absolutely love it. Saw some old friends...and was sad to hear about a good friend I used to bartend with. Apparantly, not long after I moved to SoCal he started getting dizzy and could'nt stand up...and they found an inoperable tumor in his melon.
Now he's with his brother in Seattle. One of the greatest guys in the world...and it just sucks. Makes you really count your blessings. I had posted last time Americorps called...we did an interview and I am starting monday with the Red Cross as a disaster relief teammember. I'm so excited I can't contain myself. It'll be a lot of work for basically no money...but those types of things are always the most rewarding.
About 80% of the position is teaching...and the rest is actual disaster relief coordination and travel to parts unknown that are in need of helping hands. I like adventures.
Anyway...I'm gonna be negletful of SG for a little while...
but it don't mean I don't love you all.
Someone help me!
I'm up in San Francisco till the weekend...and I'd forgotten how beautiful it is. I absolutely love it. Saw some old friends...and was sad to hear about a good friend I used to bartend with. Apparantly, not long after I moved to SoCal he started getting dizzy and could'nt stand up...and they found an inoperable tumor in his melon. I had posted last time Americorps called...we did an interview and I am starting monday with the Red Cross as a disaster relief teammember. I'm so excited I can't contain myself. It'll be a lot of work for basically no money...but those types of things are always the most rewarding.
About 80% of the position is teaching...and the rest is actual disaster relief coordination and travel to parts unknown that are in need of helping hands. I like adventures.
Anyway...I'm gonna be negletful of SG for a little while...

you are right in saying that its not what i wanted to hear but you know other than matt...thats all every ones been just well..long story im gonna rant on it in a minute in my new entry...but....yeah...thanx for the imput. know this morning on kroq they were talking about a cow in cambodia that can heal you if/when it licks you....wanna take your friend to cambodia???
sorry, but seriously....that really sorry.
I still think what you're doing is awesome, whether or not your intentions are the most altruistic.
Maybe if you are neglectful of the website for a bit it may help lessen the compulsion. Why do I feel like I'm going to miss something if I'm not on SG all the time? Have the mods slipped something into my water?
(key X-Files theme music)