Sushi Adventure with Calle!
mmmmmmm...I don't know why...but I bought sea urchin. Washed it down with sake and fought crying with all of my might.
The nice japanese sushi maker dude really liked my new tattoo. He looked at it, pointed to the bullets and said...
I said..."um...yup...crayons."
Calle thinks I should get them colored in and labeled like crayolas. Perwinkle. Outragious orange. Unmellow Yellow. Fuck yeah.
Sushi Adventure with Calle!
mmmmmmm...I don't know why...but I bought sea urchin. Washed it down with sake and fought crying with all of my might.
The nice japanese sushi maker dude really liked my new tattoo. He looked at it, pointed to the bullets and said...
I said..."um...yup...crayons."
Calle thinks I should get them colored in and labeled like crayolas. Perwinkle. Outragious orange. Unmellow Yellow. Fuck yeah.
Makes me want sushi!
Thanks again.