A couple pics of the new tattoo posted in my candids. Still needs to get some shading work done. But overall, I'm super happy with it.
10 little things that I love that make life reeaaaaallly cool.
1) Dryer sheet. I love the way dryer sheets smell. Nestled up warmly and safely in youth. They smell like love and home.
2) Driving. Just Driving. To nowhere. Just going... until you figure it's time to turn around. I did that once and ended up in Colorado.
3) Southern California sunsets. Bitch about the smog all you want...but sunsets just don't get any better than down here, the whole horizon ablaze. Shit...I should be a lobbyist for dirty industry.
4) Books. Books are really cool. um. yeah. I like them. Especially the pop up ones.
5) Masturbation. Admit it....without it we'd be lost. It's the ultimate in self acceptance and self love...I mean if you won't sleep with yourself....who gonna right? I don't care how much I'm getting laid...there's still a little room for comfort masturbation.
6) Mormons. Mormons are rad. They walk around all day looking for people to ambush and kill. They dress all slick and they're all named John or Jonah or Josiah. You never see girl mormons...I think they lock them in cellars during the daytime. Mormons go to other countries and purposely get typhoid fever and flesh eating disease and shit just so other people can know Jesus. Plus they're really fun to talk to. You can really freak them out if you try to convert them to Satanism.
7) little kids. This one is self explanitory. Little kids are the best. In small incriments. except when they poop....then they can be cute for someone else.
8) Flowers. Flowers are cool. Some flowers are cooler than others. Some you can smoke or make heroin or cocaine out of. I just find that fascinating. They are the most colorful things around.
8) Jacaranda trees. If you don't know what they look like...find out. They are the most beautiful trees in the world...but only for one month of the year when they sprout purple blossoms everywhere. Then you can stand under the tree and have the fall on you. In Pretoria, South Africa...the entiire city....like every street is lined with them. Come September time the city is the most beautiful sight.
9) um...shit....I'm running out of things...um.....LLAMAS. LLAMAS are fucking rad. I don't know why they're rad but they are.
10) Girls. My mom was a girl. My sister is a girl. She's rad. um... I'm hoping one day my wife will be a girl....but you know, shit happens. They're all crazy and soft and shit. They make pretty noises and emit nice smells. They have ovaries which come in handy from time to time. They're confusing in the worst sort of way...and will contradict themselves constantly. But they're always right. I can't wrap my mind around that dicotomy. Oh yeah....and they have boobs and popos. Those are super cool.
10 little things that I love that make life reeaaaaallly cool.
1) Dryer sheet. I love the way dryer sheets smell. Nestled up warmly and safely in youth. They smell like love and home.
2) Driving. Just Driving. To nowhere. Just going... until you figure it's time to turn around. I did that once and ended up in Colorado.
3) Southern California sunsets. Bitch about the smog all you want...but sunsets just don't get any better than down here, the whole horizon ablaze. Shit...I should be a lobbyist for dirty industry.
4) Books. Books are really cool. um. yeah. I like them. Especially the pop up ones.
5) Masturbation. Admit it....without it we'd be lost. It's the ultimate in self acceptance and self love...I mean if you won't sleep with yourself....who gonna right? I don't care how much I'm getting laid...there's still a little room for comfort masturbation.
6) Mormons. Mormons are rad. They walk around all day looking for people to ambush and kill. They dress all slick and they're all named John or Jonah or Josiah. You never see girl mormons...I think they lock them in cellars during the daytime. Mormons go to other countries and purposely get typhoid fever and flesh eating disease and shit just so other people can know Jesus. Plus they're really fun to talk to. You can really freak them out if you try to convert them to Satanism.
7) little kids. This one is self explanitory. Little kids are the best. In small incriments. except when they poop....then they can be cute for someone else.
8) Flowers. Flowers are cool. Some flowers are cooler than others. Some you can smoke or make heroin or cocaine out of. I just find that fascinating. They are the most colorful things around.
8) Jacaranda trees. If you don't know what they look like...find out. They are the most beautiful trees in the world...but only for one month of the year when they sprout purple blossoms everywhere. Then you can stand under the tree and have the fall on you. In Pretoria, South Africa...the entiire city....like every street is lined with them. Come September time the city is the most beautiful sight.
9) um...shit....I'm running out of things...um.....LLAMAS. LLAMAS are fucking rad. I don't know why they're rad but they are.
10) Girls. My mom was a girl. My sister is a girl. She's rad. um... I'm hoping one day my wife will be a girl....but you know, shit happens. They're all crazy and soft and shit. They make pretty noises and emit nice smells. They have ovaries which come in handy from time to time. They're confusing in the worst sort of way...and will contradict themselves constantly. But they're always right. I can't wrap my mind around that dicotomy. Oh yeah....and they have boobs and popos. Those are super cool.
Wanta see the video????
so if pizza and reading help you loose weight...than dose health food and exercise make you fat...you know i KNEW i was doing something wrong...