High time i got my arse in gear and wrote another blog.
Today has been one of those weeks where i've fallen asleep at about 11pm, which is very unlike me, i'm usually rather the night owl, i'll put it down to working hard or something. Before you say anything, yes, it is hard work painting with Entry Childcare... really, it is!
I've been feeling very bored as of late, as in, that boredom which makes you too bored to do anything. To be honest i think it's my art side kicking in, i have the biggest urge to buy a canvas and just paint. Which i'm glad of, i've neglected art for too long. I nelgect alot of things and replace them with other things, so i suppose it's a cycle and it's due to return to art? Would love to just paint and paint until it resembles something i like.
Onto the shitty stuff, well, whiney stuff. Gained weight, boo, etc. Alot more than i thought i could in a short space of time, no idea how i've done it to be honest with you. The nurse lady said it could be due to the injection, and if i gain more, considering another form of contraception if advisable. Which form of contraception doesn't help you on the path to becoming a whale i ask? Other than condoms, i hate those bastard things. I'll have to start running around like a crazy woman and eat carrot sticks.
Flea season, itchy, stupid cat wont eat tablet, making me itch, need to deflea everything. That was the briefest was i could care to do that section in.
Oh! 21 soon, scary stuff. Everyone wants to buy me jewellery and shite, so i guess i need to start looking at things which are actually nice, or i'll end up with yellow gold, eep! Getting at least 2 pairs of TUK shoes though, which makes me happy, been dying to get some. Getting a corset too, which means i'll be one incredibly drunk, stylish bitch on my birthday pissup.
Let's end with a picture of me ripping open a void, at least, i think i was doing that.

One final thing, how are you all, the ones who read this, i hope this will provoke me to getting off my lazy arse and actually responding to people, i'm really bad at forgetting :/
Oh! Oh! Oh! If you like my marshmallow necklace, my friend has an online shop
Today has been one of those weeks where i've fallen asleep at about 11pm, which is very unlike me, i'm usually rather the night owl, i'll put it down to working hard or something. Before you say anything, yes, it is hard work painting with Entry Childcare... really, it is!
I've been feeling very bored as of late, as in, that boredom which makes you too bored to do anything. To be honest i think it's my art side kicking in, i have the biggest urge to buy a canvas and just paint. Which i'm glad of, i've neglected art for too long. I nelgect alot of things and replace them with other things, so i suppose it's a cycle and it's due to return to art? Would love to just paint and paint until it resembles something i like.
Onto the shitty stuff, well, whiney stuff. Gained weight, boo, etc. Alot more than i thought i could in a short space of time, no idea how i've done it to be honest with you. The nurse lady said it could be due to the injection, and if i gain more, considering another form of contraception if advisable. Which form of contraception doesn't help you on the path to becoming a whale i ask? Other than condoms, i hate those bastard things. I'll have to start running around like a crazy woman and eat carrot sticks.
Flea season, itchy, stupid cat wont eat tablet, making me itch, need to deflea everything. That was the briefest was i could care to do that section in.
Oh! 21 soon, scary stuff. Everyone wants to buy me jewellery and shite, so i guess i need to start looking at things which are actually nice, or i'll end up with yellow gold, eep! Getting at least 2 pairs of TUK shoes though, which makes me happy, been dying to get some. Getting a corset too, which means i'll be one incredibly drunk, stylish bitch on my birthday pissup.
Let's end with a picture of me ripping open a void, at least, i think i was doing that.

One final thing, how are you all, the ones who read this, i hope this will provoke me to getting off my lazy arse and actually responding to people, i'm really bad at forgetting :/
Oh! Oh! Oh! If you like my marshmallow necklace, my friend has an online shop