Cold and indifferent stones, red marked with organic human regalia. The corpse was face down and had been cut with unnatural precision. Organs stretching out from the cut torso. A grey water stuttering sky, covered the coast line with Body bag severity. The sky spittle landed and ran down the detectives head.
The body, still and rigormortean in pose, with his palms fatal clasp tight on a beach stone.
The zip rasped shut on the corpse.
Well take it up to forensics, see if they can give us anything more to work with.
The detective didnt hear the officers words, too deeply sunk in
The sentences of his own mind.
A vague mumbled acknowledgement , struggled out from his lips.
It was cold on that beach, all he wanted right now was a warm bed,
Warm drink and four homely walls.
The key turned, the door slithered open and whispered shut.
Light was awakened, darkness was put to sleep.
Shuffle stepping across the living room floor, letting his body
Drop on to his sofa.
Recessed in the warmth of familiar soundings and scents, the clarity of
His vision dimmed; faded perception, soft focused shapes and shadows.
Memories of the corpses desperate clench and a sense of dark damp cold.
Sleepy eyed, standing and shuffling towards the kitchen.
The steam played childish in wisps of suggestion . Supping on his tea,
He was struck with a sudden sense of nausea, noticing a vile smell
Of apparently random occurrence . Forcing itself in to his body and
Overwhelming his mind.
The cup shattered on impact. fractures and fluid reached in all Directions. clasping to grim gravitys whims.
A faint impression of a broken tea cup gave way to
Painful light. An unidentified juddering form of flesh, dragging him by his legs.
It was from that was all suggestion with no clear definition.
A wetness grip, more solid and real than the grounded familiarity of
Human embrace and touch.
But somehow worse than any of the many cruelties that one human
Could inflict upon an other.
More light, green light, sharp shards of it. which dug deep
In to his pores. Wet sand sensations , cold wind with
Faint reminders of the smell that sapped his wakefulness .
A taste of salt water nestled on his tongue, vagueness ruled
His senses.
His vision faded to nothing .
Stillness, dank stillness.
Clarity over came the soft focus
Cave walls, moss covered and moist, filled his view.
Distant and unfamiliar sounds combined with the gentle
Sound of the ankle deep waters he now found himself standing in.
That stench, that horribly recognisable stench surrounded him ;caged
Walking with uneasy steps and trebling hands he started to head to a
Door like opening and began walking down a distinctly artificial looking
Greenish tinted with organic growth, which seemed to somehow
Illuminate the surroundings with a light far more disturbing than Any darkness .
Drops of water mixed with salt of his sweat
And stung his eyes.
Faint sounds grew louder . A high pitched
Whine burst into his perception, extending beyond
Mere Sound and into the core of his mind.
It seem to not only inspire pain .
It also seemed to be striping away his thoughts,
Clawing into his mind.
His vision split into abstraction .
And from that abstraction came an image
Of a broken tea cup on a kitchen floor.
Morning light and seagull squawks.
Danced into the realm of his perception.
Getting to his feet, shaken and unfocused ,
He stumbled towards his bed and collapsed into a
blank sleep.
Dreams of unformed horror, distorted sensations,
Wild revelations of unheard terror.
And that smell, it lingered in his mind
Throughout his violent sleep.
Awake in the half-cast light of a grey
English sun.
Sore and uneasy he stepped into wakefulness.
It had been two broken dreams, hadnt it?
He had been working hard, too hard; yes thats
It , he just needed a few easy days to regain
True clarity. he couldnt work the case in such a
Staggered state of perception.
Still ,he had the day off, maybe a seaside walk would
Help clear his head.
Strolling along the beach front, passing of season
Stores, restaurants, hotels and fish n chip shops,
He reflected on the body, cold and indifferent in
Expression. Not a expression of fear, an expression of something much worse.
An expression of nothing.
A fear so great that it extended beyond any means of description.
Whatever happened , destroyed him totally before death, leaving nothing
But a profound absence.
A faint hint of sea spray brushed his cheek, as he looked
At the skeletal shape of the old pier.
Jutting ugly and proudly out from the coast.
A choir of wave splashes and wind gust sounded Out.
It was much colder now.
He decided to drop in on Josie,
Itd been a while since theyd last spoken. And what he
Needed now was someone to remind him of the world outside
Of his mind.
Cold and indifferent stones, red marked with organic human regalia. The corpse was face down and had been cut with unnatural precision. Organs stretching out from the cut torso. A grey water stuttering sky, covered the coast line with Body bag severity. The sky spittle landed and ran down the detectives head.
The body, still and rigormortean in pose, with his palms fatal clasp tight on a beach stone.
The zip rasped shut on the corpse.
Well take it up to forensics, see if they can give us anything more to work with.
The detective didnt hear the officers words, too deeply sunk in
The sentences of his own mind.
A vague mumbled acknowledgement , struggled out from his lips.
It was cold on that beach, all he wanted right now was a warm bed,
Warm drink and four homely walls.
The key turned, the door slithered open and whispered shut.
Light was awakened, darkness was put to sleep.
Shuffle stepping across the living room floor, letting his body
Drop on to his sofa.
Recessed in the warmth of familiar soundings and scents, the clarity of
His vision dimmed; faded perception, soft focused shapes and shadows.
Memories of the corpses desperate clench and a sense of dark damp cold.
Sleepy eyed, standing and shuffling towards the kitchen.
The steam played childish in wisps of suggestion . Supping on his tea,
He was struck with a sudden sense of nausea, noticing a vile smell
Of apparently random occurrence . Forcing itself in to his body and
Overwhelming his mind.
The cup shattered on impact. fractures and fluid reached in all Directions. clasping to grim gravitys whims.
A faint impression of a broken tea cup gave way to
Painful light. An unidentified juddering form of flesh, dragging him by his legs.
It was from that was all suggestion with no clear definition.
A wetness grip, more solid and real than the grounded familiarity of
Human embrace and touch.
But somehow worse than any of the many cruelties that one human
Could inflict upon an other.
More light, green light, sharp shards of it. which dug deep
In to his pores. Wet sand sensations , cold wind with
Faint reminders of the smell that sapped his wakefulness .
A taste of salt water nestled on his tongue, vagueness ruled
His senses.
His vision faded to nothing .
Stillness, dank stillness.
Clarity over came the soft focus
Cave walls, moss covered and moist, filled his view.
Distant and unfamiliar sounds combined with the gentle
Sound of the ankle deep waters he now found himself standing in.
That stench, that horribly recognisable stench surrounded him ;caged
Walking with uneasy steps and trebling hands he started to head to a
Door like opening and began walking down a distinctly artificial looking
Greenish tinted with organic growth, which seemed to somehow
Illuminate the surroundings with a light far more disturbing than Any darkness .
Drops of water mixed with salt of his sweat
And stung his eyes.
Faint sounds grew louder . A high pitched
Whine burst into his perception, extending beyond
Mere Sound and into the core of his mind.
It seem to not only inspire pain .
It also seemed to be striping away his thoughts,
Clawing into his mind.
His vision split into abstraction .
And from that abstraction came an image
Of a broken tea cup on a kitchen floor.
Morning light and seagull squawks.
Danced into the realm of his perception.
Getting to his feet, shaken and unfocused ,
He stumbled towards his bed and collapsed into a
blank sleep.
Dreams of unformed horror, distorted sensations,
Wild revelations of unheard terror.
And that smell, it lingered in his mind
Throughout his violent sleep.
Awake in the half-cast light of a grey
English sun.
Sore and uneasy he stepped into wakefulness.
It had been two broken dreams, hadnt it?
He had been working hard, too hard; yes thats
It , he just needed a few easy days to regain
True clarity. he couldnt work the case in such a
Staggered state of perception.
Still ,he had the day off, maybe a seaside walk would
Help clear his head.
Strolling along the beach front, passing of season
Stores, restaurants, hotels and fish n chip shops,
He reflected on the body, cold and indifferent in
Expression. Not a expression of fear, an expression of something much worse.
An expression of nothing.
A fear so great that it extended beyond any means of description.
Whatever happened , destroyed him totally before death, leaving nothing
But a profound absence.
A faint hint of sea spray brushed his cheek, as he looked
At the skeletal shape of the old pier.
Jutting ugly and proudly out from the coast.
A choir of wave splashes and wind gust sounded Out.
It was much colder now.
He decided to drop in on Josie,
Itd been a while since theyd last spoken. And what he
Needed now was someone to remind him of the world outside
Of his mind.