Ah!! This is so laughable... I can't reside on my laurels... Honesty is a fable... like a lion wanting to be a fish or vice versa. It seems that if you are honest, you will be punished. If you lie, then the world is handed to you. Now, recently, I asked if I have done something, to which I answered: 'no'. (Oh! How could one answer 'no' to something someone with power tells you to do. Or think they have power.) So, people, who are supposed to tell you, yes! You have honesty, are the ones crucifying me for the same honesty. They have preached me to follow. Hence, are they being ambiguous about honesty or have they lost the meaning of honesty? I have to leave and find my way out of this.. Good thing!!!!! Halloween is coming soon... may be by then, I'll learn to wear a mask... or reinvent myself for this caricatures of persons
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Wednesday Nov 05, 2008
Well, now, that the change has occurred... what would the future be … -
Tuesday Nov 04, 2008
If we don't vote, someone else is going to make the decision for us. … -
Wednesday Oct 01, 2008
Ah!! This is so laughable... I can't reside on my laurels... Honesty … -
Thursday Sep 25, 2008
Ah!!! The army is an institution for apathy. I really getting tire of… -
Wednesday Sep 24, 2008
Today was a very lazy day. I had to be at work, but all I did was … -
Tuesday Sep 23, 2008
Today I have a great conversation with someone who I have not spoken … -
Friday Sep 19, 2008
The more time, I spend in this country, the more, I become very disil… -
Thursday Sep 18, 2008
I'm feeling green today not in like a St. Patrick's Day kinda of way … -
Tuesday Sep 16, 2008
Well I haven't posted for a while... Iraq has yielded its rewards int… -
Sunday Jun 01, 2008
The disillusionment The days are like water, they pass without …