I'm feeling green today not in like a St. Patrick's Day kinda of way I've been sick for a few days I guess the allergy to this place I call, now, home has returned with a vengeance from hell. I have a cough so deep I sound like my grandfather did, once; the pneumonia made its residence in his lungs I feel feverish and my body aches in place I did not know could hurt at one point I HATE to be sick in this country the sand, the sun, the smells; everything makes your illness the more irritating as illnesses already are. Other than that, I miss Mexico. Especially, someone in particular who did not want to see me for something someone else did. There is always something going wrong I guess that's our only guarantee. But there is place in the world where all the wrongs are gone Thanks to Mia there is the Tenampa to drown your sorrows and whatever else left on your clothes and soul
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