So yes, I finally got my apartment after being on the waiting list since damn April!!! I'm soo thrilled people can't even understand just how much. I'm finally going to be living up by the college, so I don't have to travel far now to get to school. My classes start at 7am, so the later I get to sleep in the better. Now that I'm up there it'll save me 30-45 mins. Plus I'm always up in Richland so it'll save with gas money and whatnot. So I was up until 3am this morning painting my current apartment back to white so I can move out of here. I only have my living room left to paint and I've been dreading that. I packed up my car last night with boxes of nicknacks and things to take up to the apartment. I already have my keys, so as soon as I get all my things moved in and my phone/interenet/cable transferred over I can relax. One thing that sucks though is all the curtain rods are traverse and it's impossible to find curtains to fit on them around here because basically everyone has been doing away with those, so I have to buy new rods and replace them so I can use the curtains I just bought.

hey, tnx a lot for your comment!! i think u look like... the CUTTEST girl here! go hopefuls!! 

good luck.. too bad the apt is still in johnstown... ha