So, I had an extremely horrible, bad day today so I decided at the last moment to drive out to Latrobe to get another "Hood" piercing. This time I knew what to expect and things went a lot smoother. But it sure did bleed a lot more than the first one did. The first one was pierced with a 16 gage curved barbell and this piercer said they only do it with 14 gage hoops. So right now it kind of looks odd having a hoop and a barbell. But as soon as they both completely heal up I can put two smaller hoops in and it'll look sooo much better! Does anyone else have theirs done with any stories advice to share about them? I didn't have much trouble with the first one healing. I just got that done last week and it's painfree and isn't red or swelled anymore. So hopefully this one goes the same.
sexy : D