I've come to the conclusion that I REALLY, REALLY fucking hate relationships! All I do is get fucked over in them with every single guy I have EVER dated. I've never had a healthy relationship where I haven't been cheated on, lied to, been mentally abused, physically abused and in some of them I had all of the above happen. Sometimes I start to wonder...
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So I am really bummed sitting around this house every damn day. I NEED a job soo bad. I thought that choosing nursing as a career I would have plenty of jobs to choose from, but around here that's so not the case. Most of the family practice offices only hire medical assistants now because you can do some of the stuff LPN's do and...
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there is a prison in somerset
happy birthday
what the hell did you do to your face? you practicin with gimp?
Are you ready for tomorrow, ready for a REAL CHANGE!???????
Obama 2008!
Obama 2008!
So some great news..... I PASSED MY STATE BOARDS OF NURSING! I am now officially a licensed practical nurse, yay!! It's one of the best feelings. Spending all that time in school busting my ass, graduating and actually getting my license! Now, it's on to RN school. I'm going to take some of the general classes at Penn Highlands because it's only $60 a credit...
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Congrats sweetie
The pics
The pics
My life has been really crazy lately. Is it normal to just not want to have sex anymore especially when my boyfriend and I used to be sex addicts? My acid reflux or whatever else it may be has gotten so much worse lately so a lot of the times I haven't wanted to have sex because I was in so much pain and then...
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Why do all the good people leave the earth way too early? I don't understand it one bit? Not only have I lost at least 15 friends in the past few years, but now another. Mike was one of the nicest people I have ever met and never gave anyone problems. He was always there when you needed someone to talk to and always knew...
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I'm sorry you're grieving, things will be okay and yes, they happen for a reason I thnk
Damn, I miss you like crazy MIKE... I just hope wherever you are, you know I'm thinking of you and you'll always be with me.
Matisyahu, huh? That was a new discovery for me at Bonnaroo 2005. One of the highlights of the festival for me was Matisyahu & Trey Anastasio doing No Woman No Cry. Just beautiful.
Welcome to the DS group.