well then. um, so i graduated from college. it's pretty fucking weird, i'm not sure what the fuck i'm supposed to do with myself now.
the concert went pretty well. we had all kinds of technical difficulties which sucked, and it started an hour and a half late, which also sucked, but in the end people liked the music which i guess was sort of the point. i wish the video would have worked though.
maybe i'll put some of the songs up here so you all can check em out. course, maybe i won't
so now i'm at my parents house visiting for a while, and then i'm heading off to california, for ever. well, at least for a long time. i haven't lived anywhere for a long time in five years, should be nice.
the concert went pretty well. we had all kinds of technical difficulties which sucked, and it started an hour and a half late, which also sucked, but in the end people liked the music which i guess was sort of the point. i wish the video would have worked though.
maybe i'll put some of the songs up here so you all can check em out. course, maybe i won't

so now i'm at my parents house visiting for a while, and then i'm heading off to california, for ever. well, at least for a long time. i haven't lived anywhere for a long time in five years, should be nice.
WHEN: Sunday May 23 @ 3:00 pm
WHERE: The St. Louis Zoo
SGSTL is sponsoring "Jungle Fever", a lazy Sunday afternoon get together at the beautiful St. Louis Zoo. Bring a friend and be ready for some great animal fun. Lions, tigers and bears OH MY!