another month, another journal entry
my car died. i loved my car and it died on the way to saint louis, in indianapolis, and we couldn't get it fixed so i had to give it up.
*sigh* but i did manage to find a new car, a 1988 volvo for very very cheep, so as soon as it's out of the shop i should at least be able to go places again. for the moment i'm trapped in corn fields in ohio.
my movie still hasn't started, actually i'm still finishing up with the script. i've been feeling very motivationless lately, which seems to be running around. i need to find some energy somewhere cause time is running out.
i've been playing around a bunch with an old arp synthesizer the music department has, which rocks. nothing like making a rad noise patch on an analog synth.
saw aesop rock and mr. lif on friday in one of the worst shows i've ever been to. i love both of those artists but the show sucked. we did find my friend levi passed out next to the car in the parking lot at the end though, so it wasn't all bad.
still just trying to graduate. still have no idea where i want to go next term. lazy is a cycle.

my car died. i loved my car and it died on the way to saint louis, in indianapolis, and we couldn't get it fixed so i had to give it up.
*sigh* but i did manage to find a new car, a 1988 volvo for very very cheep, so as soon as it's out of the shop i should at least be able to go places again. for the moment i'm trapped in corn fields in ohio.
my movie still hasn't started, actually i'm still finishing up with the script. i've been feeling very motivationless lately, which seems to be running around. i need to find some energy somewhere cause time is running out.
i've been playing around a bunch with an old arp synthesizer the music department has, which rocks. nothing like making a rad noise patch on an analog synth.
saw aesop rock and mr. lif on friday in one of the worst shows i've ever been to. i love both of those artists but the show sucked. we did find my friend levi passed out next to the car in the parking lot at the end though, so it wasn't all bad.
still just trying to graduate. still have no idea where i want to go next term. lazy is a cycle.
Ilya with The Subterranean Jack
Monday, November 17th
@ The Rocket Bar
doors 8:30pm
be there!
hope you're well...