two in the same month, what will people think. nothing actually as i've been writing so rarely i don't think anyone stops by anymore
doing a whole lot of nothing. actually doing lots and lots of things, but as none of them inspire any commentary worthy of posting it sure doesn't feel that way.
production on my movie should start soon which will just make me far far more busy. and i need reliable actors, which is about as likely as finding a trillion dollar bill sitting on my windowsill around here.
i still need to figure out where i'm going to be this spring. any ideas?
shana tova!

doing a whole lot of nothing. actually doing lots and lots of things, but as none of them inspire any commentary worthy of posting it sure doesn't feel that way.
production on my movie should start soon which will just make me far far more busy. and i need reliable actors, which is about as likely as finding a trillion dollar bill sitting on my windowsill around here.
i still need to figure out where i'm going to be this spring. any ideas?
shana tova!
if you end up in oklahoma lemme know!
Canada? Congrats on the movie wrok, i think it will be amazing.