From oldernow
Just looked at your Shibari tie. as an old rigger may i suggest that the rope is a little high on her left leg just below the kneecap? sustained pressure there can create a 'tennis elbow' sort of pain which can hang on for a day or more. Of course if there is no tension on the rope (hard to tell from the photo) then no worries! There's a good book on rope safety... i can't recall the title but it's worth searching out.

Thanks for the insight! Indeed, the entire set lacked REAL tension, as a) it was my first rigging with multiple ropes on a non-partner and b) was more about aesthetics than trying to achieve sensation. I’ve already joined FetLife and hoping to join some of the group classes at The Citadel, so hone my art. As the Model is simply an Indistry Contact, I didn’t want to leave her with unwanted rope marks (unlike one Partner I played with), so the sections on her legs did slip some.