omfg. we have furniture. IN our house- not just on the way, but inside... everything except our bookcase & rug

(which we ordered from ikea) is in our house now, and it's like christmas. new furniture, not from salvation army or anything! nobody's cumstains or spilled beer on my couch, i can hardly believe it.
last night d's bouncer/weight lifter friend came over and helped us move our bedroom furniture upstairs, and d and i put together the dining table & chairs. it's completely alien to me to walk downstairs now and have there be THINGS in the rooms instead of boxes, empty space, and lawn chairs...
tonight we're putting the legs on the dressers & nightstands, and then i will have a place to put our clothes! i know this sounds less than exciting, but when you've been living with clothes piled up in every corner and shoved in plastic bags for two months, well, you'd be thrilled too. we've also got to put together the platform bed

weird all the artists you have listed are on my constant rotation of favroites, especially barbara krueger and joseph cornell. ever seen lorna simpsons work?
good furniture