we held each other for a long time, an island of sorrow. people swirled around us and near us but did not penetrate our moment- i could hear you breathing and nothing else. i could feel all of your bones pressing against all of my bones, fusing together for a moment and jolting back to their origins. i kissed yr neck and you kissed my forehead, and then our lips touched so very briefly, and i wanted to run away anywhere, run away from my life and the decisions i had made. i wanted to wipe that melancholy look from your face and replace it with something pure and joyful...
and then you let go, and i let go.
we rode our paper boats downstream, back to the holes we'd dug for ourselves, and dove in headfirst.
and then you let go, and i let go.
we rode our paper boats downstream, back to the holes we'd dug for ourselves, and dove in headfirst.
no, thank you for last night...i was very happy with the way things went and hopefully it will just get better from here. things may not have been very great with us in the past but that is what it is...in the past. i think this is the beginning of a very good thing...

Kira, flexed some muscle, so you're in the group. welcome