Warning, if you're just starting to read, you are reading the end of the story. Don't forget to ready parts one and two!!
Heidi and Jim are made for each other. I know everyone says that, but in this case, it's more than true. Here is the first moment he gets to see her looking flawless.
And it was everything both of them could have wanted.
Ready to start the next step of their journey!
All of her friends, there to support her.
(My brother, Jake, is the one directly left of Heidi, standing up. He shaved his mohawk for her. That's love for your baby sister.)
I'm so happy for her!!! (I think the black vs white dresses only accentuates our being complete opposite twins)
They danced the night away.
Everyone had an incredible time. Especially my mom (who thinks I will live with her forever and never grow up... it's nice to have at least one of three children becoming an adult).
My best friend Libby was invited. You might remember her from other blog adventures... like this or this
And my boyfriend, Keith. So cute! Also in other blog adventures... like this
But the whole night was really about them. Heidi and Jim.
Of course, that doesn't mean we can't have our fun! Yes, I am wearing sunglasses over my glasses. And you're going to like it.

The photobooth was much too much fun. Almost all the wedding party girls. We couldn't find one.
As well as Keith and me.
Cheers to a night to never forget! Love you both!!!!

Warning, if you're just starting to read, you are reading the end of the story. Don't forget to ready parts one and two!!
Heidi and Jim are made for each other. I know everyone says that, but in this case, it's more than true. Here is the first moment he gets to see her looking flawless.
And it was everything both of them could have wanted.
Ready to start the next step of their journey!
All of her friends, there to support her.
(My brother, Jake, is the one directly left of Heidi, standing up. He shaved his mohawk for her. That's love for your baby sister.)
I'm so happy for her!!! (I think the black vs white dresses only accentuates our being complete opposite twins)
They danced the night away.
Everyone had an incredible time. Especially my mom (who thinks I will live with her forever and never grow up... it's nice to have at least one of three children becoming an adult).
My best friend Libby was invited. You might remember her from other blog adventures... like this or this
And my boyfriend, Keith. So cute! Also in other blog adventures... like this
But the whole night was really about them. Heidi and Jim.
Of course, that doesn't mean we can't have our fun! Yes, I am wearing sunglasses over my glasses. And you're going to like it.

The photobooth was much too much fun. Almost all the wedding party girls. We couldn't find one.
As well as Keith and me.
Cheers to a night to never forget! Love you both!!!!


Love your new set!

You may be the Queen of Halloween.....but in your new set you are nothing but Beautiful.......Living canvas has an awesome concept.....hearts magically appear on your neck.....later they are colored in....pac man chomping his way across your's really brilliant.......once again , I tip my hat to your obvious , superior intellect.