Dog + Beer = My amusement + dog
Yes, that wonderful event held at my house with my brother's closest hundred friends and a couple of mine and my sister's occurred, as it does yearly, on July 3rd. And yes, my dog got drunk. Actually, I think everyone did pretty okay this year except for my dog. Maybe he was just trying to protect everyone my stealing their drinks...
Or he just REALLY likes beer.
A hundred people in a small back yard, of course, means not enough seating and even less table space. Where do you put your drink with you're not holding it? On the ground of course. Never do this at my house unless you are finished with your drink. Actually, don't even put your plate on the table, you probably wont see the rest of your dinner, even if you think a dog wouldn't like it.
At about 1am, I went in search of my dog in the hoards of people. I looked through all the groups of people before finally finding him all alone in an area that was previously very populated for Beer Pong. He was passed out in the grass between his own fortress of chairs. He didn't rouse when I walked up to him. And when I called his name he glanced up and passed out again. So I picked all sixty pounds of him up and started leading him inside.
If you find it funny to watch a drunk person try to walk in a straight line, you should watch a dog.
I eventually got him inside and through multiple rooms and people to the living room. He again fell over and passed out. I got him to drink some water and left him to sleep it off. Well, he had more than I thought he did, because he ended up throwing up in the middle of the night. But my favorite part was his hangover the next morning.
Man, I wish that dog could talk, because the looks he was giving me were hilarious. I started calling him Drunky, as if it would hurt his ego somewhat. I would come up to him and lift his head off the floor and he would not spare one twich of a muscle to keep that head up. Actually I was lucky if his eyes weren't rolling back into his head as he fell back asleep. It's fun to annoy a dog with a hangover.
Here's him (Rocco) cuddling my other dog (Lucky):
He's fine now. Back to his normal lifestyle of trouble. Do I think he will learn something from this situation? Yes. He will learn that he really likes beer. A lot more than he previously thought.
Just another reason I don't drink.
(Just thought I would add one with me in it. This was from my birthday party last September. It was our golden birthday, but my sister likes silver. So everything was "bling", including most everything I wore that night.
And yes, that's a mini hat. Don't judge me.)

Yes, that wonderful event held at my house with my brother's closest hundred friends and a couple of mine and my sister's occurred, as it does yearly, on July 3rd. And yes, my dog got drunk. Actually, I think everyone did pretty okay this year except for my dog. Maybe he was just trying to protect everyone my stealing their drinks...
Or he just REALLY likes beer.
A hundred people in a small back yard, of course, means not enough seating and even less table space. Where do you put your drink with you're not holding it? On the ground of course. Never do this at my house unless you are finished with your drink. Actually, don't even put your plate on the table, you probably wont see the rest of your dinner, even if you think a dog wouldn't like it.

At about 1am, I went in search of my dog in the hoards of people. I looked through all the groups of people before finally finding him all alone in an area that was previously very populated for Beer Pong. He was passed out in the grass between his own fortress of chairs. He didn't rouse when I walked up to him. And when I called his name he glanced up and passed out again. So I picked all sixty pounds of him up and started leading him inside.
If you find it funny to watch a drunk person try to walk in a straight line, you should watch a dog.

I eventually got him inside and through multiple rooms and people to the living room. He again fell over and passed out. I got him to drink some water and left him to sleep it off. Well, he had more than I thought he did, because he ended up throwing up in the middle of the night. But my favorite part was his hangover the next morning.

Man, I wish that dog could talk, because the looks he was giving me were hilarious. I started calling him Drunky, as if it would hurt his ego somewhat. I would come up to him and lift his head off the floor and he would not spare one twich of a muscle to keep that head up. Actually I was lucky if his eyes weren't rolling back into his head as he fell back asleep. It's fun to annoy a dog with a hangover.
Here's him (Rocco) cuddling my other dog (Lucky):

He's fine now. Back to his normal lifestyle of trouble. Do I think he will learn something from this situation? Yes. He will learn that he really likes beer. A lot more than he previously thought.
Just another reason I don't drink.

(Just thought I would add one with me in it. This was from my birthday party last September. It was our golden birthday, but my sister likes silver. So everything was "bling", including most everything I wore that night.
And yes, that's a mini hat. Don't judge me.)
There is a story they tell at the San Diego zoo, they ended up having to remove plum trees from one of the antelope exhibit, It turns out it was a warm summer one year and the plums were fermenting in the sun before the antelopes ate them. It took the zookeepers several days to figure out why the antelopes were all staggering and falling over though.
You + Lucky + That Hat = My amusement!