Today is just one of those days where it feels like my whole world is against me.
My walls are caving in and it's beginning to suffocate me. I have no out, I have no words to make it stop.
My heart no longer sits in my chest. It has slowly turned into a lump of crap and it's slowly poisoning the rest of my body not letting me function anymore.
I hate those days but usually some time in the saddle or a good hike helps to clear the shit out... I took a short ride yesterday for that exact reason & ended up riding a little over 300 mile round trip to check out a funky little Vermont band I saw a few years ago play a free concert on the common gig. Between the ride & sitting watching the very diverse crowd (ranging in age from 3-80!) enjoying a beautiful summer evening, singing along & dancing I felt a lot better on the ride home.