The weekend was good, I had some good times.
Yesterday I went to drink some coffee with a friend of mine, and he asked me to play in his short movie (I don't know if that's the right expression in English, but). I'm sooooo happy. Since I'm 5 I've been dreaming of being an actress, and it's not for money or anythign, I just really enjoy to play, to be someone else.
School was cool this morning. My litterature teacher gave us the self portrait we wrote on the first class. I talked a little about tattoos in it and she wrote an interesting comment: "You'll have to explain me why you are attracted by that kind of pain and permanent thing." SO I started thinking about it. I think most of the things are soooooooo short-lived, nothing really lasts, maybe it's a way to remember? To remember what I was, what I've been throught, that maybe shows who I am. Cause who you are is mostly what you,ve been through and how you did it. It's also a way to express myself.
We also had to start thinking about : an animal,. a vegetal and mineral that would be like us. My partners saif tthat I'd have to find something very rare to describe me. I think that was a very nice compliment.
They said I could chose a Sand Rose for my mineral
That's beautiful and weird, I love it.
I wwent to the bank to cash my SG check. The fucking cashier said it would be frozen for 20 business days. I was like, you must be kidding me? She said oh, no. We gotta send it to the US, then change it to canadian dollars and then it won't be frozen anymore. It's not her fault, but that really pisses me off, plus that was the first time I was seeing her, she looked like she was new and not really knowing what it was about... i'll keep the papers just in case of. That sucks, I'm going to get tattooed next week and I need more money. ANyways.
I just remembered that I have to work tonight. I really don't feel like it. But since I need money, it would be stupid to not go to work, wouldn't it be?
It's still cold today., but I went back from school by walking, which took me 1 hour, and I didn,t really feel the cold, it's really sunny. I wish I could lay in bed, or watch a movie with the sun on me, like a big and lazy cat.
I usually don't think about my sexual life, but today I'd really fuck a girl.
Thanks, I feel better now.
So, I leave you with a doll I made for the sweet Lostinaneverland and you know, if you want anything, just let me know. Oh and so you know the sizes. This doll is made to fit in a purse.
The doll I made for Absolution was way bigger than that (12" x 9". without the mesuring tape legs and the silver arms).
love xox
Yesterday I went to drink some coffee with a friend of mine, and he asked me to play in his short movie (I don't know if that's the right expression in English, but). I'm sooooo happy. Since I'm 5 I've been dreaming of being an actress, and it's not for money or anythign, I just really enjoy to play, to be someone else.
School was cool this morning. My litterature teacher gave us the self portrait we wrote on the first class. I talked a little about tattoos in it and she wrote an interesting comment: "You'll have to explain me why you are attracted by that kind of pain and permanent thing." SO I started thinking about it. I think most of the things are soooooooo short-lived, nothing really lasts, maybe it's a way to remember? To remember what I was, what I've been throught, that maybe shows who I am. Cause who you are is mostly what you,ve been through and how you did it. It's also a way to express myself.
We also had to start thinking about : an animal,. a vegetal and mineral that would be like us. My partners saif tthat I'd have to find something very rare to describe me. I think that was a very nice compliment.
They said I could chose a Sand Rose for my mineral

That's beautiful and weird, I love it.
I wwent to the bank to cash my SG check. The fucking cashier said it would be frozen for 20 business days. I was like, you must be kidding me? She said oh, no. We gotta send it to the US, then change it to canadian dollars and then it won't be frozen anymore. It's not her fault, but that really pisses me off, plus that was the first time I was seeing her, she looked like she was new and not really knowing what it was about... i'll keep the papers just in case of. That sucks, I'm going to get tattooed next week and I need more money. ANyways.
I just remembered that I have to work tonight. I really don't feel like it. But since I need money, it would be stupid to not go to work, wouldn't it be?
It's still cold today., but I went back from school by walking, which took me 1 hour, and I didn,t really feel the cold, it's really sunny. I wish I could lay in bed, or watch a movie with the sun on me, like a big and lazy cat.
I usually don't think about my sexual life, but today I'd really fuck a girl.
Thanks, I feel better now.
So, I leave you with a doll I made for the sweet Lostinaneverland and you know, if you want anything, just let me know. Oh and so you know the sizes. This doll is made to fit in a purse.
The doll I made for Absolution was way bigger than that (12" x 9". without the mesuring tape legs and the silver arms).

love xox
You should be online so I can actually talk to you...
And you best suck it! Just like everyone else!