Wow so an Eventful weekend!
The Damned show went off without a hitch,
I had a blast and saw a TON of people I havnt seen in sometime.

Now its back to the drawing board, but I am refreshed and excited for the cozy next couple of months.
Ryan and I standing in front of my piece. =)
I made my masqurade mask and it IS for sale.


Me and the VERY talented Jill Tracey.
That was Devils night but the night before was a BLAST!
Oh emmm geee did we get toasty.
Its SuicideGirl Campbell doing what she does best-
Lookin' good. =)

Face-off with the Joker!

Me and the talented Marc Christy as the Joker...

Doing a shot of Absinthe - to which I am NOT a virgin. YUM YUM FEST.

Me and TALENT!

She was my giiirrrl for most of the night, we started getting hammered oh boy.

Ill have to find her contact info but she is a metal shop professor at Washington State and she crafted this beautiful contraption... how fantastic is that??

Keith from the famous Noir Leather. (left) =)

Satori Circus ~!

Yum Yum kitty cat.

Its Rouge!


Jess and Mike!

...and Me in front of my piece again.

Regardless of it not selling- ( which means its STILL for sale!) I had a really great time.
Thanks to everyone that contributed their art and time into the show-
See you all next year!
<3 Ari
The Damned show went off without a hitch,
I had a blast and saw a TON of people I havnt seen in sometime.

Now its back to the drawing board, but I am refreshed and excited for the cozy next couple of months.
Ryan and I standing in front of my piece. =)
I made my masqurade mask and it IS for sale.


Me and the VERY talented Jill Tracey.
That was Devils night but the night before was a BLAST!
Oh emmm geee did we get toasty.
Its SuicideGirl Campbell doing what she does best-
Lookin' good. =)

Face-off with the Joker!

Me and the talented Marc Christy as the Joker...

Doing a shot of Absinthe - to which I am NOT a virgin. YUM YUM FEST.

Me and TALENT!

She was my giiirrrl for most of the night, we started getting hammered oh boy.

Ill have to find her contact info but she is a metal shop professor at Washington State and she crafted this beautiful contraption... how fantastic is that??

Keith from the famous Noir Leather. (left) =)

Satori Circus ~!

Yum Yum kitty cat.

Its Rouge!


Jess and Mike!

...and Me in front of my piece again.

Regardless of it not selling- ( which means its STILL for sale!) I had a really great time.
Thanks to everyone that contributed their art and time into the show-
See you all next year!
<3 Ari
Love the absinth, too!! Have you tried it 50/50 with cocktail lime juice? Superb, can drink that all night!! (well, until I fall down anyway!!)