I just came back pretty much unscathed, from a major car accident.
After flipping my car out (according to an eyewitness) 4 times until the car finally settled back on the top side, I was taken to the city's Trauma Center via ambulance.
Lo and behold, less than two hours later, I'm released from the Trauma Center with a pretty 'clean' bill of health, save for a bruise on my leg and a sore back.
What really gets me is that I was trying to prevent an accident, but in turn, got into one myself.
From what everyone is saying, I'm really very fortunate to come out from an accident like that with no major injuries (save for my pride and the loss of my beloved car).
It could have been worse and I'm glad to be alive.
I now believe that there are Angels watching out for me.
If you Angels, or even God himself, The Almighty Lord, read this, I just want to say;
I just came back pretty much unscathed, from a major car accident.
After flipping my car out (according to an eyewitness) 4 times until the car finally settled back on the top side, I was taken to the city's Trauma Center via ambulance.
Lo and behold, less than two hours later, I'm released from the Trauma Center with a pretty 'clean' bill of health, save for a bruise on my leg and a sore back.
What really gets me is that I was trying to prevent an accident, but in turn, got into one myself.
From what everyone is saying, I'm really very fortunate to come out from an accident like that with no major injuries (save for my pride and the loss of my beloved car).
It could have been worse and I'm glad to be alive.
I now believe that there are Angels watching out for me.
If you Angels, or even God himself, The Almighty Lord, read this, I just want to say;