Went down with Kirk and met up with Christine and Amanda to see the lady work last night.
I invariably feel horribly uncomfortable in strip clubs; thankfully she was sitting right inside the door when we went in.
Something quite gratifying about the way she immediately jumped up to hug me as soon as she saw me.
The start of good evening.
She took the stage about five minutes after we arrived and took a few seats up front.
And then proceeded to completely and pleasurably blow my mind.
This was an intense visual exercise in sweetness by all possible accounts.
I fear I must admit though, the most enjoyable moments came elsewhere.
In the looks on the faces of all the little boys who just emptied their wallets on her when she leaves the stage and comes to sit next to me.
In the murderous glances directed in a straight line to me when the guy four seats down hears her say "baby can you watch my purse?" to me because it's full of all the money he just dropped on a lap dance.
The best I really must say was in the several agonized and jealous glares from all the stupid yeah-dudes and dude-guys when I get up to leave and she rushes to give me a few long hugs, a kiss goodbye and to tell me she'll be right over after work.
Then she comes home to my bed, with a purse crammed to bursting with all the money you poor saps worked like a bunch of niggers all week long to get.
God, it's good to feel like a king of men among putrid insects.
Thanks for all your support, fellas!

Life is pretty damn good right now.
I only pray my halo is high enough to let these days last as long as they're able.