Man, did my birthday ever fucking 0wnz0r.
Three solid days of free booze, chemicals, good friends, (save one whose basement I lived in for a year who didn't even remember and couldn't be bothered to show up and hang out with me,) and the company of several beautiful ladies (one in particular I've been enjoying immensely lately...) made the entire span a fucking vacation in Nirvana.
Oh, and way to fucking remember, Katie! You douchebag. That's alright though, you never even remembered when we were together. Fucker. You suck with dates. I'll let it slide this time, though. I'll send you a poop in the mail on the 7th. Haha.
This past weekend has sure beat the fucking crap out of all the other shit I get to deal with this month. On the upside though, I found a place to store my shit, maybe even live temporarily if I have to till I can get back into a place of my own. I'm really hoping Riverview Gardens works out with Jill though. That'd be fucking amazing and I wouldn't have to clean up after ANYONE BUT MYSELF, EVER AGAIN.
Cross your fingers and hope the best for me, fuckers and perverts!

Also, just as a side note: This girl fucking rules.

I don't know who that is (is she 18?), but I sure as fuck don't want a poop in the mail for my birthday, you infantile bastard.