Tool tickets for the Boston Orpheum show sold out in about three minutes, about which I am still quite furious. I'd probably punch an infant for a ticket to that show at the moment.

You know what's really amusing? I love it when I get to watch someone try to re-enter my life after squeezing me out of theirs essentially in the place of someone else. Humans are such pathetically amusing creatures sometimes. I suppose I should be a more forgiving person instead of condemning someone for abandonment after a single infraction and telling them to kindly eat shit wicked hard but hey, one reassimilated failure is proving enough for me to grant pardon to in a lifetime. I reckon I'd probably be a lot less lonely that way too, but I guess forgiveness just isn't one of my stronger suits. I can live with that. Besides, it's way too satisfying watching them squirm around in their own misery knowing they fucked up and dwelling over it. Little fuckers.
Ahhh, it feels good to be alive right now.

In other news, the new face hole is healing well and quickly, and I'm already planning for new ones. Possibly a double-eyebrow piercing before moving onto the next two to three lip adornments I've got planned. Maybe a septum ring and a bridge barbell in the future. I've grown bored with my ears.
Go see Silent Hill, it's amazing. You'll be reminded of a Troma film-esque gorefest only with a much higher production budget.
That's about all for now. Oh, and hey! Quit letting fat shits submit photosets and paying them for it! What the fuck's wrong with you?